08 | The Iron Throne

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Warning: this chapter contains HOTD spoilers, strong language and sexual content.

I AWOKE TO THE warmth of sunlight casting across my face and the restlessness of someone beside me. At first, I had completely forgotten about the events of the night before and found myself startled - but then, all at once at peace. Aemond was lying next to me against the covers, his blonde hair strewn out across the pillow as he fought off the sun with a hand, placed strategically over his eyes. I quietly slipped from the bed, drew the thick curtains across the window and smothered the room in darkness once more, before climbing back in.

The mornings continued to grow colder with each passing day, and his warmth under the covers was too inviting to refute. I didn't protest when I felt his arm lazily grab my waist and tug me closer to him... he was dazed and somehow, had lost his shirt in the night. I was grateful to him beyond measure, for keeping me company. I wasn't sure I would've have slept otherwise... and even then, as I slowly began to grow more and more awake, the reality of my life began to set in once more. Dead mother, dead house.

Aemond sighed dramatically next to me. "Lay down."

"It's time to wake—"

"I am your prince." He muttered, his voice muffled by the pillow. "—and your prince demands... another half hour."

"...as he wishes." I allowed myself to slide further down into the bed, and his grip around me only seemed to tighten.

"You smell like lemongrass."

"Do I?"


"Someday, you shall grow sick of the smell when you lie next to me each night."

"... I doubt that."

"...I feel close to you, Aemond."

"We are in bed together."

"Not literally, you ass. I'm trying to be—"

"I know..." he pulled me closer and buried his face in the crook of my neck, placing a gentle kiss against the skin. "You're sweet."

I could feel myself blushing, as I pushed back into his grip and felt his body pressing up against mine. "I wish we could stay like this."

"Then there would be no one to attend to the realm." He reminded me.

"Nonsense... Aegon is King. It's his responsibility to make sure the people don't kill one another, and that the realm remains at peace, not yours. Just rest".

"Ha. He is not fit to be King." These words shocked me, so much so that I turned to face him, moving out of his strong grip.

"Aemond. You mustn't say such a thing..."

"Why not? He's my brother. I may say what I like—"

"Brother or not, it is treason to question the King's ability to rule. You know that."

"What, are you going to tell on me?"

"No but I—"

"Aegon is no ruler. But I am... someday, that thrown shall be mine."

At once, I left the bed and started to dress myself in a huff, as behind me Aemond continued to protest.

"What are you doing?"

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