chapter one

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finney flopped down on his bunk, running his hands through his hair. everyone has gotten smaller rations this week since the food supply was getting low. of course everyone was hungry, but what could they do about it anyways? finney's bunkmate — robin — leaned over the edge of the top bunk to look at finney. a small frown made its way onto his face. finney had barely eaten recently since he had given his rations to gwen. the rations got smaller as the kids got younger, which made no sense considering the fact that the younger kids needed it more, so finney had given his to gwen as he knew it wasn't enough for her.

robin spoke up, breaking the silence in the room. "finney, you've got to eat something soon." finney flinched, his eyebrows furrowing. "huh?" he brought his gaze to meet robin's. "sorry, what?" he had a bad habit of zoning out. robin sighed, climbing down from his bed. "you need to eat, finn. it's starting to show that you haven't eaten anything. look at yourself. you're getting thinner, and you look like a fuckin' ghost, man." although what robin said was mildly insulting and his tone sounded rather angry, finney knew he was just worried. "i'm fine, robin. really. gwen needs it much more than i do."

he looked over at the sleeping girl on the other bottom bunk. she had her hair in messy pigtail braids, they probably needed to be redone soon. she was curled up, shivering. it was a cold night and the supplies they had were limited, so the blankets weren't the highest quality. he sighed. he didn't want to see his sister like this. he wished desperately he could make things better for her — for them. all of them. there was five people in the one room. finney, of course, gwen, robin, griffin and billy. they only had four beds, because gwen was originally supposed to stay in the quarters with the other girls. although, finney and gwen had refused to be separated. so, they took turns sharing beds. billy and griffin were currently asleep on the bed above gwen's.

the room was small, of course. it had two bunk beds on either side of it, along with a desk up against the wall beside finney and robin's beds. there was a small carpet on the floor and a heater in the corner of the room. although, it was pretty busted and didn't work for shit. finney brought his gaze up to the two younger boys who were sleeping. they were curled up against eachother. they often did they, as they were often the ones who wanted to share the bed. they always said it was 'to keep eachother warm' but they did it on the warmest nights as well. finney smiled to himself. he had grown very attached to the other three boys. for a while, he had refused to speak to them — and let gwen speak to them — but, eventually he started to warm up to them, and the five of them grew very close.

finney didn't know what he would do without them. he was brought back to reality when he felt the bed sink, and then a hand on his shoulder. he flinched again and brought his gaze back to robin's, who was now sat beside him. "did you hear anything i just said?" the taller boy said with a soft laugh. finney couldn't help a small blush from embarrassment, this was the second time he had zoned out in the last five minutes. "no- i'm sorry. i was thinking. ive been a little distracted lately." robin nodded, finney wasnt sure if it was in reply or agreement. "i noticed." agreement. it was in agreement. "do you wanna talk about it?" he asked.

finney shrugged. there wasn't really much to talk about. of course he was worried about there not being enough food for the colony soon. he wasn't sure what what would happen then. "same old, same old." he eventually said softly. robin offered a small smile. "hey, i'm sure they'll figure it out, alright? they've had this going for years, and they always figure it out. it'll be alright, finn. you worry too much." he chuckled softly, and finney managed to force out a small laugh. the two fell into a silence, that was quickly interrupted by a loud alarm. both of the boys jumped, and the other three shot awake. finney's eyebrows furrowed. they never had these things at such a late hour.

finney stood up and went over to gwen, helping her calm down. she didnt handle loud noises well thanks to their father. luckily, he wasn't around anymore anyways. finney calmed her down and then helped her wake up. the three boys were already waiting for the two at the door, as the always went to colony meetings together. finney glanced up at them, waving his hand dismissively, signalling they could go on ahead without them. robin shot finney a questioning glance, but finney just nodded. with that, robin took the two smaller boys and they made their way to the meeting room.

𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗹𝗶𝗽𝘀, 𝗺𝘆 𝗹𝗶𝗽𝘀, 𝗮𝗽𝗼𝗰𝗮𝗹𝘆𝗽𝘀𝗲 • 𝗯𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗻𝗲𝘆Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora