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' we have  to go now,it's almost four girls '
' yeah it's time,I suppose the night went by quickly '
Picking up the last Johnny Walker from the table then signaling to Amber Ross who invited them over to club capitol for her birthday after party
' it's funny how you pretend to enjoy this party when your presence wasn't even noticed '
Shying off ' just because I did not
engage in alcohol doesn't deny me of any sort of ecstascy '
' so who are you picking that Walker for '
Grinning outrageously ' of course something to keep you girls busy on the the way where's Tiffany '
' I suppose she's gone again with that pole dancer,she has a thing for pole dancing remember '
' gosh,I've got plans for today and am billed to be at the airport by noon flying out to Los Angeles '
' I know you only came here to show your presence and not for the celebration because you sat all night tick-tocking, am so ashamed of you Dakota '
' I don't want to talk about this Zeal, I am just going to get Tiffany for us to get out of here '
' I'll ring her cell phone... hopefully if she's still awake '
' that would be great, Palmer is to blame for not keeping an eye over her, you two were supposed to be together '
' that was the agreement...I know but I was soon consumed by the partying that I couldn't notice she was gone...but you were sober all night,I taught you had eyes on us all '
' like really,my ultimate goal was to satisfy you girls by getting you all  a pass into the party and how on earth was it my business to watch over I get to be blamed now...I can really tell how tipsy you are Palmer '
' I had my share of the night and it was not pick on me about you not giving yourself to the party '
' this is where you get it wrong by assuming I did not enjoy myself posting update on my socials, like seriously while you girls were away I made myself some cool new friends right here '
Interrupting ' she's finally answered the phone at the sixth try and she would be with us in minutes '
' thanks goodness...we didn't have to try much because I ain't sure I have the strength to look for anyone right now'
' I just hope she did not sex with that guy '
Now laughing hard ' obviously that's the only thing that could have kept her away from us'
' it is so crude of you Zeal to suggest that about her...let her give the account by herself '
' of course they go out more often than you think plus I can tell you what she's capable of... believe me or not I can bet my bank balance on it that she had at least one guy down tonight '
' whatever '
Six minutes later Tiffany was carried down by the same pole dancer she left with and to much of their disbelief she had no apologies for keeping the girls waiting
Dakota now trying hard to contain her friends rowdiness as they left the club house would make so many appeals for them to behave so she could concentrate on driving safe,she did stay sober all night just because she wanted to drive responsibly.
Tiffany giving her account on Josh, the hot barely dressed pole dancer would suggest she check in a nearby guest house were Josh had told her it was their holding up base, Palmer also hopped along her as they were inseparable, though she would not have a total stranger hanging around her friend without getting some scoop out of it.
Well this wasn't unusual for the girls, whenever Dakota was in California,San Francisco would be the go to place all because of these two sister like friends and of how they make her happy and mad all together, as for Zeal she's more of a hopper to Dakota,they are now more closer than ever, for the past eight months since she had her master's in linguistics her primary duty was to follow Dakota everywhere, now twenty three a year older than her friend ; she had more time to focus on her education unlike Dakota who busy time schedules interrupted her education.
Back inside the car

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2022 ⏰

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