≫𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞≪

151 8 6

Started On 11/12/2022 - Published On 11/13/2022

Words - 1158

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FINNEY LOOKED AT Bruce, unsure of what to say, Bruce looked at Finney, a hopeful look in his eyes as he nervously waited for Finney's reply.

Finney uttered, "Bruce... I don't really know if that would be—" The bell went off and school was over, Finney got up out of his seat and hurried off, Bruce following behind him.

Bruce spoke, "Finn wait—" Finney didn't stop, he just kept walking as he headed over to Gwen.

Gwen looked at Finney and then back at Bruce who was following them as he really needed an answer from Finney.

They got back to the house, Gwen walked inside but Finney stood face to face with Bruce, who had stepped closer, there was only a short amount of space between their lips, and the closeness made Finney feel warm, that warm feeling he craved for in his stomach spread throughout his body.

Bruce spoke, "Look, I'll come to pick you up at 8 and then I'll have you home by midnight?" Finney looked at Bruce, a soft smile spread on his lips as he looked at Bruce.

He smiled, "Sure, I'll see you at 8 on Saturday." Bruce smiled and walked home with a smile on his face, Finney walked inside his house with a smile, he wasn't going to be alone on Saturday which was something that he never thought he would be going to prom with Bruce Yamada of all people!

Something about that thought made him smile, he was happy.

Finally happy about something, something good was finally happening to him, Finney walked up to his room, pretty much jumping with joy as he explained everything to Gwen.

She spoke, "But, what if it's all a sick joke on you Finney? You know them better than I do..." Finney frowned and spoke up to defend Bruce, "No, Bruce isn't like that, he's nice to me Gwen! He's so sweet, I really think I have a chance here!" Gwen just looked at her brother, he seemed like a madman because someone wanted to take him to prom when he had spent most of his senior year thinking that people hated him.

Finney wanted to believe Bruce was different, but, only god knew what he was hiding behind that sweet and enticing smile, and behind those lovely eyes.

≪ °❈° ≫

Tarrance came home and Finney hurried to his father, he wasn't thinking right, so he wanted to tell his father about his prom date not knowing what that would do.

Finney spoke softly, "Papa? I have something to tell you..." Tarrance looked at Finney, speaking in a cold tone, "Well, fucking hurry it up, I don't have all fucking day, boy." Finney held his hands close to his chest.

He spoke slowly, "I got a date for prom, and he's going to pick me up at 8, but! He'll have me home by midnight—" Tarrance stood before Finney.

Tarrance spoke, "You will not go to prom with a boy! Tell him that you have to cancel, and you will never see him again! You know that is sinful!" Finney frowned, fighting the tears that welled up in his eyes.

Finney said, "But— Papa it's not! If it was then I wouldn't have felt this way, to begin with!" Tarrance stared at his son in total shock and horror, Tarrance grabbed Finney's wrist and dragged him to the closet.

Finney shouted in distress as the closet was opened and Finney was thrown in, "WAIT PAPA PLEASE! LISTEN TO ME!" And as Finney shouted objects flung against a few walls.

The shock and horror on Tarrance's face said everything to Finney, but the shock and horror didn't stop Tarrance from closing the closet door and locking Finney in there for hours.

Finney sat in the closet, disturbing images of Jesus surrounding him as he started to sob, maybe he should have kept his mouth shut, all these thoughts ran through his head and the creaking on the closet door started, but no one noticed it.

Finney ended up falling asleep in the closet, and Tarrance found him and woke him up as dinner was ready, he still hadn't noticed the creaked line in the door, Finney noticed it but didn't speak up about it.

≪ °❈° ≫

Finney walked over to Bruce, a smile on his face as they walked to art, with Bruce, he felt normal.

All he wanted was to feel normal.

Maybe, prom wouldn't be so bad, as long as he had Bruce there by his side, he might just be alright, he might just be okay with everything that happens to him as long as Bruce is there with him.

He would walk through hell with Bruce by his side if that was what Bruce wanted.

Bruce spoke, "So? What happened you your wrist? It looks pretty fucked." Finney snapped out of his thoughts and looked at his wrist, Bruce was right, it was pretty fucked.

Finney laughed soundlessly, "It was just my dad again, but I think I kinda deserved it." Bruce looked back at him in shock.

He said defensively, "Whatever you did, doesn't give him the right to do anything like that to you." Finney smiled, "Thanks for caring so much Bruce..." Bruce smiled back.

≪ °❈° ≫

Finney and Bruce stood in front of their classmates, their art on display, unlike the pictures Finney saw everywhere at home, he thought it was pretty.

Two boys sat on a hill looking at the stars in the night sky as a building burned just below the mountain.

Perhaps there was a meaning, perhaps there was not, neither boy knew but they liked the art nonetheless.

It was something that they would hold dear for a while.

Someone laughed, "Fucking fags!" Finney looked up, and then he looked around the room, he saw the person the had said it, Robin had said it, Finney closed his eyes and looked away from Robin, looking at Bruce, who seemed angry with what Robin had said.

Finney turned to their art teacher, Mr Golbach and asked, "May Bruce and I go to the bathroom for a moment sir?" Mr Golbach looks at Finney.

He spoke, "Fine, but no funny business if you understand what I mean." Finney nodded and took Bruce's hand walking off to the bathroom.

≪ °❈° ≫

Finney spoke, "You okay? You seemed pretty mad at what Robin said..." Bruce looked at Finney confused.

Bruce spoke, "How could you not be made at that?" Finney frowned and looked away from Bruce for a moment, something about that made Bruce more upset.

He spoke, "Everyone called me ''Finney the fag'' in middle school and the nickname if that's what you want to call it followed me here, I mean have you not seen the number of times it's been craved on my locker? I'm pretty used to it, even my dads called me a fag before he— Bruce? What are—" But before Finney could finish his sentence, Bruce pulled him in for a...

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A/N - Hehe, what do you think Bruce pulled Finney in for? :]

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