the two dancing caged birds

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Shinobi: begin

Angel: 'fire style fire ball justsu'

Sawa: 'fire style fire ball justsu'

Angel: *takes out sword* 'Fire Release: Flame Spread Technique'

Sawa: 'Spinning Shield of Winds'

Angel: 'what the hell that hand speed'

Sawa: 'fire style Phoenix flower justsu'

Angel: 'body flicker technique'

Sawa: 'dam that was fast i gusse this kid is a prodigy'

Hina: impressive did you teach him that

Okami: no

Koharu: kids pretty good especially doing the body flicker while in battle

Okami: well he dose spend most of his time training

Angel: 'Fire Release: Mythical Fire Flower Technique'

Sawa: 'water shiled technique'

Sawa: come on angel you can do better than that

Angel: same gose for

Sawa: dony worry about me just yet 'wind Style: Gale Wolf' (when using this justsu it will look like the rasengan'

Okami: 'it cant be is that the rasengan'

Angel: what the hell

Sawa: go my creatures

Four wolves comes out the ball of wind and successfully slashes angel

Angel: 'shit how can I beat her...' *sheaths sword*

Sawa: 'laido? no his foot is at a different position... earth style swift earth'

Angel: 'how long are you going to hide'

Sawa: 'Lightning Release: Blade Technique'

Angel: 'majestic butterfly'

As angel dose a back flip and avoids Sawa blade and he almost hits her but she was able to block it

Sawa: not bad

Angel: I almost had you

Sawa: almost won't cut it

Angel: for some it will

Sawa:  those who think that are only fools 'water style water sword'

Angel: 'Fire Release: Flame Spread Technique'

Sawa: come on show me the real you

Angel: 'fire style Phoenix flower justsu '

Sawa: 'Lightning Release: Lightning Blast Technique'

Angel: *grunts* shit

Sawa: 'come on angel Lightning Release: Lightning Dragon Attack'

As the crowd cheers its stoped by a loud roaring of a dragon

Okami: 'who the hell is this girl

Angel: shit 'Flying Thunder God Technique'

Sawa: huh

Angel: 'Lightning Release burst technique'

Sawa: *smile*'nice work angel'

Shinobi: the winner is angel uchiha

Sawa: not bad angel

Angel: you too

Shinobi: go back to your side

an angel or a nightmare Where stories live. Discover now