The cursed Dragon

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The unconcerned king

Chapter 2: The cursed Dragon

In 1336 D, E there was a prince of the Dragon Empire who married a Demon girl named Kraniz klaes and that's why he was vanished from the Dragon Empire. He started living with his wife in the Demon continent after that and soon Kraniz gave birth to their first son Dazir. He was different from the other children's of his age. He was much stronger from other children's and he was very intelligent too. But despite of his talent's he wasn't welcome in the demon continent that much. Everybody hated him for being a half demon. When he was only 12 years old he slaughtered Magous clan by summoning a Dragon and fled to the great Demon forest out of his fear and guilt. In the mean time his parents were looking for him everywhere and were frightened too. After some time the Dragon Emperor Azious Dragon sent his army to kill his son and ordered them to capture Dazir. Dazir came out of the forest after a week and saw his father's head hanging in their courtyard and screamed as loud as possible and asked his neighbors who did this and asked where his mother is. They replied that the army of the Dragon Emperor did this and they captured his mother too. Dazir asked them how it is possible for the Dragon Emperors army to enter the Demon continent. They said that don't you know that the Demon Emperor has made a deal with the Dragon Emperor to give your families to them in the exchange of gold. Dazir was surprised by the fact that his family's lives were so cheap to the Demon Emperor that he sold them for just 100 gold coins. The Demon Emperor actually wanted to kill them anyway cause Dazir killed one of the biggest Demon clan and the Dragon Empire declared that they will go for war with the Demon Empire if they don't cooperate. The Demon Empire wasn't ready to face a war that time that's why Demon Emperor cooperated with the Dragon Emperor. He headed out soon to save his mother and sat out for a dangerous journey. He met a man named Emerdof. He said to Dazir that he will teach him how to control his powers and will also tell him the secrets of his powers. They go to the ancient temple of Kahlan in order to know about the secrets about Dazir's power. The temple was in the Dragon Empire so Dazir disguised himself as a traveler and after a long time he reached the temple that was located in Pratous the cultural city of the Dragon Empire. When he entered the temple he felt like the temple was welcoming him and the statues of the dragon looked like they were bowing to him. He saw a big statue of a red Dragon there even though the statue was made of just normal marvel stones Dazir felt like the stone was glowing in crimson red he understood that there is a secret power that will help him to annihilate all of his enemies. He felt a great satisfaction just by looking the big statue. Emerdof understood that Dazir has already realized the abnormalities of this place so he starts to tell him the legendary story of Kahlan known as the Dragon of Curses. Before the world was created there were only 6 Dragon Gods. The names of the Dragon Gods are Dammam, Dargious, Ramon, Ignecious, Garous and Kahlan. The story is about 3000 years ago when the dragon of curses started his massacre. The curse dragon feeds on curses the more there is negative emotions in human the more powerful Kahlan gets. There was a time when people stopped cursing each other and that's why Kahlan became weak cause if there is no curse then there is no power for him so he sent his dragonoids to create some curses. Dragonoids means a special species. They are originally dragon but they can change their appearance. Kahlan sent them in Earth to create conflicts among human. The other Dragon Gods gets furious when they knew about Kahlan's action so they set up a plan to seal Kahlan. In order to seal Kahlan the Dragon Gods built a statue of marvel and called Kahlan there. When he came he started to praise the statue that's when the Dragon Gods started to chant the spell known as 'Eternal Seal' and sealed him. Because of the seal the soul of Kahlan's gets trapped in the statue. Ignecious burns Kahlan's body by using 'Universal Flame'. In order to be free from this curse he have to transfer his power into someone else who can wield his powers that's how he will live in that person's body but he can't control the person fully so he will never be as powerful as before if the person doesn't corporate with him. Even the person corporate with him the person's lifespan will be shortened. After telling the story of Kahlan Emerdof asked Dazir that now you know the origin of your powers and the cost to use your power. Dazir replied that the powers are not mine its Kahlan's power I am just borrowing his powers that's all. Emerdof then asked Dazir are you ready to wield the power of Kahlan. He replied that of course than Emerdof said him to stay in the temple and practice to master the power of kahlan and tell him that there is total 2 series of Kahlan's powers 1st one is serious series of curses and 2nd one is ultimate series of curses. There are total 10 different kinds of powers in each series. After saying that he leaved the temple to gather information and Dazir started his training under a dragonoid named kazef. After 14 years Dazir started his journey after completely mastering Kahlan's power on the other side at 1362 D,E King Dragon married Eliza Halsey and after a year Eliza gave birth to Luminous. He is the first child of the Dragon Emperor. When Luminous born it was the happiest moment for King but he didn't realize that there is a disaster coming. In the meantime Dazir goes to a village named Tazwin it is the village where his mother was first captivated. He used the 2nd curse of 2nd series 'Fangs of Kahlan' to destroy the village but somehow a old man survived the attack he asked Dazir why he destroyed the village he replied that this is the place where my mother was tortured so basically this place is a curse for me and that's why I used a curse to vanish another curse. After saying that he killed the old man with his sword and apologized to his soul and said that I know that there was no reason to kill you but I shouldn't leave any bad memories behind when I have the chance to clean all of my bad memories. After destroying a whole village he goes to the city of Zanfil where his mother is captivated on his way to Zanfil he destroyed 20 villages by using his curses. When he was destroying the villages a kid draw his sword against him and said I will protect my mom from you monster. Dazir appreciated his spirit and courage and said your love for your mother is great but it's so small against my hatred than the kid asked Dazir that why you hate our village so much he replied that this villages soil is a curse to me cause my mother goes on this road captivated so this village should be destroyed in order to clean my bad memories. After listening his reply the kid said to Dazir that you are insane and attacked him but Dazir dodged it and used 1st curse of 2nd series 'Zangeki' to cut the kid in half in front of his mother. The kid's mother was shocked by seeing that how cruel a man can be and laughed at herself for thinking that Dazir wouldn't kill a kid despite how cruel he can be. After killing the kid he killed his mother too and goes to Zanfil. When he was about to enter the city of Zanfil a guard stopped him and asked him who is he. Dazir asked him that do you have a dying wish the guard felt very scared and started screaming for help cause he knew that no matter how strong he is he have no chance against this guy he felt a very strong bloodlust from Dazir. After he screamed a lot of guards showed up and attacked Dazir but he uses 1st curse of 1st series 'Zetsubo'( the curse will remember you of all your despair) after the attack from Dazir the guards pass out. After destroying the soldiers mentally he goes to the mansion of the lord of Zanfil and uses the 7th curse of 2nd series 'Monarchs Thorne' due to the effect of curse he tells Dazir everything about his mother and tell him that his mother is now in Arion and the lord of Arion knows about his mother's whereabouts. After listening the news of his mother he smiled and tells the lord that he is very lucky that his mood is very good right now and that's why he will reward him and the people of this city so he tells the lord to bring everyone in the front of the mansion. After listening Dazir's words the lord gathers everyone front of the mansion and as soon as everyone gathers he tells them that his mood is very good right now so he will give everyone an easy death. The lord and everyone tries to run as soon as they hear Dazir's speech but he uses 7th curse of 1st series 'Berserkers Bloodlust' (the curse will force the victims to kill each other) after using the curse it shows it's power and as soon as 100 people dies he again use his curse and this time he use the 3rd curse of 1st series 'Temple of blood' (It will create a temple made of blood and will melt anyone who is inside the temple but in order to active the curse there should be 100 men's death body) after his attack nobody survives and he leaves for Arion and says in his mind that " Arion here I come wait for your destruction" and after 3 days he reached the city of Arion. The city is pretty much destroyed already cause of the war that happened in 1359 D,E. After he reached the city he goes to see the lord of Arion in disguise and asks him about Kraniz Klaes but he refuses to tell him anything and that's when he uses the 8th curse of 2nd series ' The weep of Emperors' to knock out the soldiers and forces the lord to tell him about his mother. The lord tells Dazir that Kraniz is in a brothel in the center street of Arion. Dazir's aura suddenly changes after listening the news and his aura changes into a Dragon and kills the lord he quickly leaves for the brothel and meet his mother there. When his mother sees him she tells him to go away and die. Dazir become speechless and asks his mother " don't you recognize me I am your precious son" his mother replies that " no you are not my son you are a curse that devoured my husband" and tells him that because of you I am in this place now go away and never show me your face. After listening all this words he broke down and leaves the place but on his way he killed everyone except his mother. He suddenly cries on his way and that's when lot of guards appears and attacks him but he prevents all of the attacks by summoning a Dragon and tells the guards that you guys are just like insect's to me why don't you understand that you guys are powerless in front of me even your Dragon Emperor is also weak in front of me. Dazir then uses the 8th curse of 1st series 'Carnival of Meteor' and destroys the town in a minute. But there was a guard who wasn't that injured he tells him to go to his Emperor and to tell him that the Cursed Dragon is here. Dazir also gives him a dragon to go to the Royal capital. He departs for the Royal capital than Dazir began his journey to the capital and lefts a destroyed city behind him. The dragon reaches the capital in 4 days the guard tells him everything about Dazir how he destroyed the city of Arion and coming to the capital. After listening everything king leaves for Arion with 75,000 soldiers and on his way he faces with Dazir in the city of Eivos and charges with his soldiers but it didn't work out cause Dazir used the 5th curse of 2nd series 'Bizarre of Darkness' and blinds enemies vision and then used the 4th curse of 2nd series 'Ultimate Quake' the curses breaked king's soldiers formation and many of the soldiers injured that's why king retreats to the fort of Eivos but this retreat didn't help king that much cause as soon as he retreated in his fort Dazir attacked with the 6th curse of 2nd series ' Wrath of the Past Gods' and destroyed the fort the curse is very powerful and Dazir can use it just one time so that's why the fort breaked into pieces in a minute after using the curse he used another curse this time he uses the ultimate curse of 1st series ' Slaves of Curses' and summons 100 Dragonoids from hell that were locked by the Dragon Gods after his summoning the king attacked the dragonoids with his 1st transformation 'Ragious Dragon' but the attack didn't damage them that much so he transforms into his 4th transformation 'Divine Punishment' and attack again this time the attack wipe out half of the dragonoids but it was very early to celebrate cause Dazir is here and without any scratch so King transforms into his 5th transformation 'The heavenly warrior' but Dazir prevents it by using his 9th curse of 2nd series 'Eternal Curse' (the curse can weaken opponents power by 5 levels) king loses his transformation due to the curse effect but he don't retreat this time and uses the power of Kinggious 50 Dragons fragment and hold down Dazir but when he approaches toward Dazir he uses 6th curse of 1st series 'synchronized curses' to surprise King and uses 5th curse of 1st series 'the Guardian of Death' to attack King the attack damages King and he becomes ragious and transforms into his 6th transformation 'Perfect Virtue' and again goes into full speed and attack this time he cuts of a hand of Dazir but Dazir uses the ultimate curse of 2nd series 'Destructive Curse'(this curse will take half of the life span of the user but it's extremely powerful and it can tear down a Dragon God) but it misses King and that's when he knew that the battle is over but he uses the 8th curse of 2nd series 'The weep of Emperors' to get some time and uses his 9th curse of 2nd series 'Transfer' and transfers one of his artificial heart that was created by the power of Kahlan the heart can make a person Kahlan's slave if the heart stays for too long in a person's body he will not be able to resist the power of Kahlan and will become one of the kahlan's follower and will be able to use to Kahlan's curses. Than Dazir says to king that now you can kill me cause I have achieved my motive. King calls his General Shalba and says that "bury me beside my mother and support Luminous as you have always supported me" and kills Dazir. Shalba than says to king that why are you saying that right now wait are you thinking of, before Shalba could finish his words king stabbed himself in the heart. Shalba can't believe what happened before him. After 4 days King's army returned in the capital with the dead body of king. All people become very sad and cried many people can't believe that King is no more. At his funeral Eliza said "king might be dead but his legacy will live on please believe in his legacy and support Luminous as you have supported him" after her speech Shalba says in his speech that "A era has ended but that only means a Golden era has begun so say all hail to the Emperor" after his speech everybody buries King beside his mother as he wished and says their last goodbye.(To be continued)


Dazir's power curse series

Serious series of curses (1st)

1) Zetsubo( It will recall you of all your despair)

2) Gaze of Kahlan(It will create fear among you)

3) Temple of Blood(It will create a temple that will melt anyone who is inside the temple but in order to activate the curse there should be 100 mans dead body)

4) Undead Aura(It will transform any living being into zombies)

5) Guardian of Death(It will summon a death knight from Dragons Hell)

6) synchronized Curses(It will be cursing you what you fear Most)

7) Berserkers Bloodlust(If the curse is activated the victim will kill his companions)

8) Carnival of Meteor(It will summon meteor from Dragon Hell)

9) Transfer(The user can transfer any object or organ form his body to the victim's body)

10) Slaves of Curses(it will summon 100 Dragonoids from Dragon Hell who were locked by the Dragon Gods During Kahlan's seal)

Ultimate series of curses (2nd)

1) Zangeki(It will cut any object in half)

2) Fangs of Kahlan(It can destroy a village in minutes)

3) Eternal Flood(It will create a flood in a certain area)

4) Bizarre of Darkness(If the curse is activated the victim will lose his vision)

5) Ultimate Quake(It will bring a minutes quake in land)

6) Wrath of Past Gods(It's a powerful curse that can destroy a fort but the user can use it only one time)

7) Monarchs Thorne (If the curse is activated a throne will appear and when the user sits on the throne the victim will be forced to tell the truth of questions)

8) The weep of Emperors(It will destroy you mentally)

9) Eternal Curse(It weakens the opponents power by 5 levels)

10) Destructive Curse(The curse can tear down a Dragon God but the user have to offer his half lifespan to use it)

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