One Shot

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Frank sat at his desk, exhaling loudly as he sent out the final email of the day. He looked at the time, 7:00pm, much earlier than he expected to get out on this busy day. He leaned back, with his arms in the air, stretching the muscles that had been hunched all day. Finally he could go home and enjoy a weekend without overtime.
    One of his coworkers, Jeremy, came over a clasped his hands tightly on Frank’s neck, squeezing as if half giving him a massage.
“Good work today Francis, You’re coming out with us tonight right?”
Frank tilted his head back up at him in disgust for a split second before correcting his expression into a more neutral one, “I don’t think so today, I’m pretty exhausted after all that stress…”
“Which is exactly why you need to come with us. Blow off some steam! C’mon man, you never join us, I promise you can leave whenever you start feeling too tired.”
Frank closed his eyes and furrowed his brow, then slowly exhaled and gave in, “okay, fine, but I’m not going for long.”
Jeremy gave Frank’s shoulders a few approving taps, “Atta boy! We’re leaving in 5!” He said as he walked away with a pep in his step Frank thought was absurd after the long and exhausting day they just had. Frank slouched back over his desk, resting his face in his hands, rubbing his knitted eyebrows with his fingers.  He slowly gathered his things and stood up, giving one last stretch, the bones in his back loudly cracking as he twisted his torso to the side. Grabbing his coat, Frank walked towards the elevator to join his coworkers, who were lightheartedly talking about the day’s work.
As Frank’s frame came into view, one of them joked about how the world must be ending, another one commented “this must be a dream.” Frank humored them with a light chuckle. Jeremy came over and elbowed him playfully, “It’s the end of the quarter, now he doesn’t have any excuses.”
Frank chuckled again, “I’m not the type who enjoys weekly get-together with the people I see 40 hours a week, no offense.”
“Well, not all of us have a hot lady to rush home to!” One of them said jokingly upset.
    It was a misunderstanding that started about two months after Frank had joined the company, and he never really felt like he needed to correct it. It was an easy excuse to get out of these annoying get-togethers. Don’t get him wrong, Frank liked his coworkers, they were fun guys and easy to get along with. However, Frank was a bit too introverted for their constant high energy on outings. When they did make him go, he could usually get out of it after the first bar, but he knew tonight would not be the case.
    Frank always made sure after the first end of quarter outing he went to that he would always make plans with friends or family so he could miss this hectic event. Unfortunately, this quarter had been so incredibly busy that it had slipped his mind and forgot to make plans.
    As they all entered the elevator, Frank prepared himself mentally. They journeyed to the first bar, talking about the worst parts of the quarter, joking about being fired, and telling each other about their weekend plans. Frank stayed silent, walking in the back of the group, not taking this moment of peace for granted.
    The first bar they went to was pleasurable, they drank, talked, and had some decent food. Frank knew he had to limit his alcohol intake, not knowing how long this night would be.
    They journeyed to a second bar, which was not as enjoyable, it was too dark and too loud for Frank, more closely related to a club than to a bar. Some of his coworkers started feeding Frank shots, he tried his best to say no, but gave in to a few. This bar had more women, and the other guys were excited to try and shoot their shots. As they left that bar, he was slightly buzzed, and was dragged on to the third.
    The third bar wasn’t of much note, besides more drinks and women hitting on him, and Frank staggered out of the third bar at 1:00am, mumbling his goodbyes and making his way for the train station, glad that the night was finally over. He was surprised when a hand grabbed his arm, yanking on it to turn around.
“Frank, hurry it up! Let’s go.” His coworker said loudly.
“We aren’t done yet, big guy, this was just the pregame.”
“Oh… no, I’m a bit tired… I think I‘ll just head home.”
All his coworkers started complaining, “C’mon man, you’ve never stayed this long, see it out till the end.” “Haha, you just don’t want him to go cuz he attracts women over to us!” “N-no! …. Maybe, but is that so wrong?!”
    Frank sighed heavily and pinched the bridge of his nose to smooth out the knot that was forming in between his eyebrows, “Fine, but in exchange, leave me out of these events for the next quarter.” His coworkers erupted in cheer as he was dragged along to their next destination. Frank didn’t agree out of pity, he agreed because listening to these grown men whine like teenagers was more exhausting that just going to one more location. It wasn’t like he was having a miserable time, his coworkers were quite fun, but he was so exhausted. For the rest of the walk, the thought of taking a shower and laying in bed occupied all of his thoughts.
    Frank looked up in shock as a coworker announced they had arrived. The neon lights lit up the entire front of the building, characters dancing back and forth between two poses in obnoxious red and purple lights. There was no mistaking it, they weren’t at a bar, they had arrived at a strip club.
“You guys are messing with me, right?” Frank said in disbelief.
“C’mon Franky, let loose a little. Just tell your lady we made you go, carpe diem, my friend.” His coworker drunkenly slung his arm around Frank, which looked a bit weird admittedly, since he was easily a foot shorter than Frank. He pulled Frank down until he was low enough for his coworker to whisper in his ear, “there are some of the finest pieces I’ve ever seen here, top quality my friend.”
Frank straightened up, disgusted about what he just heard. He sighed loudly for everyone to hear his displeasure. He wasn’t a fan of strip clubs, it was too loud and the smell of sweaty horny men mixed with outrageously floral perfume just did not appeal to him. If Frank went, he could potentially get  two quarters of being left alone… and that appealed to him greatly. “I’ll go, but I’ll be leaving very soon, it’s getting late.” Another cheer erupted from his coworkers as they all patted him on the back and ushered him inside, almost to make sure that he didn’t pull a fast one and escape.
The men shuffled in quickly and found a row of seats at the edge of the stage. Frank was still trying to take in his surroundings by the time he sat down. The smell of bodies and roses filled the air, it wasn’t as unpleasant as the other strip clubs he had been to a few years back, but it took a while to get used to nonetheless. It was extremely dark. The lights from the stage, the changing colors of purple blue and red, were the only things allowing him to see where he was going.
His coworker wasn’t over exaggerating, everyone serving drinks and dancing on stage was absolutely stunning. As expected, as most of the employees were vampires, which was typical of prostitution joints in the city. It was in the last 100 years that vampires started to live comfortably around all the other species, after discovering a way for them to not need to drink blood, but just ingest the fluids of other species in general. Due to this, a lot of them flocked to prostitutions, which created an easy way for them to feed and also make money simultaneously. Even though this strip club was ‘no touch,’ he expected there were some dealings behind the scenes which caused the vampires to flock to this place.
Frank sat looking at the person dancing on stage in front of him, his coworkers forcing shots onto him as he waited for an opportunity to leave. About 30 minutes had passed when some of his coworkers went off for lap dances, and Frank saw his opportunity. “Hey guys, I’m not feeling to well, so I’m going to go out for some fresh air, maybe head home.” His coworkers grumbled but didn’t put up too much of a fight, and wished him a safe travel home.
As Frank stood up, he finally felt the weight of the shots that he had thrown back earlier, his head spinning. He took a second to wait for the world to stop moving before he grabbed his coat and bag and stumbled carefully out of the establishment. He cut through the side alley, heading towards the closest bus stop he noted on the way over. As soon as he made it though the alleyway, the world started to spin again. He crouched down and leaned against the brick building he had just exited moments ago to sturdy himself.
“Fuck” he whispered under his breath, cursing at his coworkers.
“Rough night?” A voice light heartedly inquired from next to him.
Franks head snapped up to see that he had crouched down 2 feet from someone, “Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t see you…” he apologized and started to get up.
“Stay there. You look like you aren’t doing too hot.”
He squinted to see if he could see the figure under the dim light. A cropped red jacket with black fur was the largest article of clothing that donned the figure in front of him. Thin, black straps that mimicked the outline of a bra surrounded exposed, pierced nipples. A strappy thong poked out from booty shorts. Frank quickly averted his eyes, not wanted to stare at their exposed skin for too long and be disrespectful.
“Oh, honey, it’s okay to look, that’s what I’m paid for.” The figure chuckled, almost making fun of Frank’s innocent gesture, and took another drag of their cigarette. Frank looked up and squinted once again at the figure, making sure to look past the exposed skin and at their face. Frank’s heart skipped a beat at the beauty he was perceiving. Smooth pale skin, beautiful bright red irises, and slightly pointed ears, a vampire. Their cat-like eyes looked intriguingly back at him as Frank tried to discern their gender. Either way, Frank couldn’t deny their beauty.
“So, what brings you to a place like this? Doesn’t seem like you would be in the market for a trip to the strip club in order to get off, Mr. Tall and Handsome.”
“Huh? Oh, uh, I was… my coworkers brought me here, a celebration for end of quarter…” Frank said as he tilted his head back to lean against the wall to steady his once again spinning head.
“Oh, those rowdy boys inside? They didn’t seem all that bad.”’
“Yeah they’re good guys… I just… don’t really like this kind of thing.”
“Ah, a homebody?”
“I guess so.”
“It’s nice to get out once in a while though, right?”
“I guess so.”
“Hmmm, not one for conversation huh?”
“… I guess so… sorry, I don’t feel too great at the moment.” Frank tilted his head back down to look at the ground in front of him, trying to gather the energy to get up.
The figure crouched down  and lifted Frank’s chin so their eyes met, then leaned in almost as if they were going to kiss him, “well what say we stop talking and have a bit more fun?”
Frank blushed, his head spinning, and turned his head away slightly “uhhh…” he was taken aback by seeing someone that beautiful up close. The figure smiled seductively, which only made Frank’s face feel hotter. “C’mon, I just got of work anyway, keep me company.” They grabbed both of Franks hand and tried to pull him up to his feet, Frank gave in and got up, immediately noticing how low the figures head reached on Frank's body. Frank looked down at the figure, now no longer backlit, and discerned that they are a man. That’s preferable Frank thought, immediately shaking the comment out of his head.
Without giving it much thought, he let the man lead him by the hand through the city streets until they ended up at a park that overlooked the city scene, the city lights mimicking those of the stars in the sky. The man in front of him leaned against the railing facing the view, lifting his head up to enjoy the faint breeze, and Frank took a seat on a bench not too far behind him. He felt much better than he did minutes ago, the world not spinning as quickly as it once had.
“W-why are we here?” Frank asked curiously.
“Well it looked like you needed a place to sober up, and this is one of my favorite places to go to do just that”  The figure turned around and smiled, leaning his back against the railing so he could look at Frank. “Nights like these are so nice don’t you think? The breeze is just cool enough to keep the sweat off of you.”
“I guess that is true.”
“So what’s your story big boy?”
“You know… name, age, life ambitions?”
“Oh… uhh-“
“I’ll go first then. My name is Finley, I’m at the ripe old age of 157, and my life ambition is to settle down with a guy who can sustain me so I can live a life of peace far away from this shit stain of a city. Maybe get a gig at a library in a small town on the countryside, catch up on some books I’ve been wanting to read, take a swing at painting, who knows. Now you.”
“Oh, my name is Francis, though I guess people just call me Frank. I’m 25…”
“And… I guess I never really sat down and thought about life ambitions, though getting out of this city does sound very appealing… I guess I’m copying yours, sorry”
“Hey man, it’s not like I own the idea haha” Finley smiled sweetly and then looked away and sighed. “A life of ease… seems like an unattainable dream”
“How so?”
“I mean, look at me.”
“I don’t follow”
“Sure, vampires have phased out of drinking blood, but now so many of us resort to this profession. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a pretty sick gig, but I want something simple.”
“Simple is good.”
Finley looked at Frank and chuckled a little bit, “Man, you really aren’t one for conversation huh.”
“Oh, no I’m sorry, I guess I just… I’m pretty introverted so…”
“Could’ve fooled me” Finley joked, pushing himself off the railing and motioning for Frank to scoot over to make room for him. “I can’t say I’m offended though, it’s rather nice to just sit here with somebody.”
“Well, I’m glad.” Frank said, clasping his hands together in his lap and smiling softly.
Finley looked over at Frank in surprise. His shy smile sent shivers down Finley’s spine and once they made eye contact, he gave off a flashy smile in return. They continued to talk for a while, what started as a one sided conversation opened up into a comfortable back and forth. Frank complained about work and Finley empathized as he joked about running away together to escape their annoying lives. Frank continued to sober up, it had been a while since he had talked to someone this casually, especially a stranger, without getting exhausted. Finley scooted over until their arms were touching, and leaned his head against Frank’s shoulder.
“You’re a weird guy.” Finley said in a lighthearted tone.
“So I’ve been told.”
“I’m a little odd myself.”
“Are you now?” Frank said jokingly.
Finley waved his arm nonchalantly, “Yeah, I mean, I took you out with me with the intention of a quickie and I haven’t even put the moves on yet, cuz I enjoy talkin to ya”
“These aren’t the moves?” Frank joked.
“AS IF! In my line of work, we never have conversations like these”
“Isn’t it nice once in a while though?”
“With you, yes.” Finley lifted his head up to look at the man next to him, “my offer still stands, Frank.”
“What do you mean?”
In one smooth motion, Finley flipped over now straddling Frank on the bench. He grabbed the collar of Frank’s shirt and pulled him close so their lips touched, his tongue slipping into Frank’s mouth. He felt Frank tense at the sudden interaction, and smirked as his partner relaxed and reciprocated the kiss. As their tongues intertwined, Frank hesitantly brought his hand up and placed it gently on Finley’s waist. Frank could feel his heartbeat quicken as Finley’s hand slipped into his hair and gently grabbed hold. His face reddened as his thumb moved over the strappy thong that poked out of his partner’s pants and he moaned as Finley pressed his hand onto his groin.
“What do you say Frank, wanna get out of here?” Finley asked, pulling back from their kiss with his arms wrapped around Frank’s neck.
Frank looked down, his face completely red, and nodded shyly. Quickly, Finley grabbed his hand and led him down the block until they arrived at a hotel. Frank took in the elegant signage and looked at Finley quizzically, “Was this our original destination?”
Finley smirked and then jokingly put on an innocent face, bringing his finger up to his lip, “hmmmm, I can’t say for certain.” Finley opened the door and looked at the front desk, the employee there handed him a key without saying a word and Frank was pulled quickly into the elevator. After looking at Frank’s confused face, Finley smiled, “This place and the club have… an exclusive relationship.”  Without elaborating any further, Finley dragged his partner off the elevator and pushed him into their room for the evening.
Before he could blink Frank was on the bed, Finley quickly unbuttoning his shirt, kissing the bare skin as it was being exposed.
“Are you experienced?” Finley asked.
“Not as much as you…”’
“Ever fucked a guy?”
“A few.”
Finley continued his work, and looked up mischievously as he unbuttoned Frank’s shirt to reveal a naval piercing, “And what do we have here?”
“I was young… and it ended up growing on me… so..”
“Mnnn, it’s nice, you should get some more… maybe… here” Finley said as his mouth enveloped Frank’s nipple.
Frank let out a moan and tilted his head back, it had been a while since someone had touched him, he forgot how good it felt. Finley continued his work, swirling his tongue over Frank’s nipple as he quickly undid his partner’s pants, hastily yanking them to mid thigh. Finley brought his hand down, lightly grazing his hand over his partner’s erection, still contained in boxers. Frank shuddered at the stimulation as his partner came up to connect their lips together. His hands came down to his partners hips, where he ran his thumbs over the smooth exposed pale skin.  He slowly made his way up to Finley’s hair with one of his hands, where he ran his hand through it, pulling them even closer, lightly caressing the pointed ears that poked out from his rich brown locks. The other hand continued upwards as well, landing on the hardened nipple of his partner, tweaking it as Finley moaned into his mouth.
Frank continued to touch his partner, slowly bringing both hands down to Finley’s hips and pressing down, so their groins were grinding up against each other. Both of them let out a moan as they pressed their clothed erections against each other. Finley pulled away from their kiss, Frank’s face following until they parted. Finley unbuttoned his pants, taking them off in a rushed fashion. He pulled at the sides of his thong, slipping it off his erection, precum oozing from the tip.
Frank grabbed Finley’s hips and flipped him onto the bed, kissing his partners neck. Slowly Frank made his way down to Finley’s thighs, where he lightly bit and sucked on them as his partner shivered and moaned. Frank moved to his partner’s erection, opening his mouth to receive him, when a hand pushed him away. He looked up at Finley. “I’m… not used to receiving” Finley said, shyly, his face red. “Time to get used to it then,” Frank said as he returned his attention to his partner’s cock. He lightly licked the precum dripping off the head, then easily enveloped Finley into his mouth. His tongue licked Finley’s shaft as his head moved up and down. Finley’s moans grew as Frank continued to suck his dick. “Frank, stop, I’m gonna-“ Finley didn’t finish as a moan escaped his mouth and his body curled in, grabbing Frank’s hair as he ejaculated in his partner’s mouth.
Frank swiftly swallowed his partner’s cum, and kneeled on the end of bed to remove his boxers. As he freed his cock, Finley looked at him in surprise, “Has anyone ever told you your dick is too big?”
Frank smirked, his face red in lust, “Once or twice.”
Frank grabbed hold of Finley’s thighs and lifted them up. He pulled the thong to the side of his partner’s ass, smiling as he looked up at his partner, “What do we have here?” He asked, thumbing the jeweled butt plug that his partner was wearing. Finley smiled and retorted, “Always gotta be prepared.”
Frank pushed his thumb on the plug and Finley’s smile disappeared as a moan escaped his lips. Frank pulled the toy out and Finley shivered. Frank lined himself up, as the head of his cock pressed up against his partner’s hole.
“W- wait” Finley said, leaning over and grabbing lube and a condom from the drawer. “Put that on,” Finley said as he laid on his stomach, squirting the bottle of lube onto his butthole, “I’m prepped but that… thing… isn’t going to go in smoothly without this.” Frank rolled the condom over his penis with an exhale and grabbed his partners hips. Very slowly, Frank aligned the head of his cock and slowly entered his partner, who gasped beneath him. He entered Finley about halway before he begged, “Please Frank, hurry.” Something snapped in Frank, he gripped his partner’s hips and slammed the rest of his cock inside, Finley screaming and moaning in pleasure beneath him. Frank leaned forward and used one of his hands to prop himself up as the other hand explored his partner’s pale smooth skin.
Finley gasped as he was thrust into, he had never felt this filled before. Frank’s cock slammed against his prostate, as his erect penis was stimulated by it being pressed into the bed beneath him. Frank’s rough hand caressing his body made him shiver, as he couldn’t stop his voice from coming out. Finley gasped as the entirety of his partner’s cock exited him.
“Turn over, I want to look at you,” Frank moaned out.
“Awww, don’t go all romantic on me now Francis,” Finley joked as he flipped over onto his back.
Frank quickly entered his partner again, thrusting in and out as his partner’s voice screamed out in pleasure. Their lips connected, tongues swirling over one another as their moans mixed together. Soon Frank tasted salt, as Finley cried in pleasure, tears cascading down his face. Finley’s ass felt so tight and hot that Frank felt himself on the edge of climax. Frank pulled his lips away as his partner grabbed his wrist, bringing his hand up to Finley’s neck, “Choke me.”
Frank pressed down on his partner’s neck, fingers and thumb squeezing the sides as Finley’s voice cracked. Strained moans escaped his partner as Frank quickened his pace. Finley’s hole squeezed down on his partner’s cock as he reached climax, an airy scream escaping his throat. Frank soon followed, releasing his partners throat as he came. Both sat breathing heavily, taking a moment to catch their breaths and settle their heartbeats. Frank slowly removed himself from Finley, his partner shivering as he did so. He looked down at Finley’s neck bright red from where his hand just was, “That’ll probably bruise.”
Frank removed the cum filled condom from his cock and threw it in the trash next to the bed, then collapsed on his back next to Finley. His partner scooted closer unti his head was laying on Frank’s chest. Frank brought his hand down, lightly petting the soft brown hair now resting on him. They sat in silence for a good while, neither wanting to move past the moment. Frank spoke up first, asking a question that had been bothering him for a few minutes, “Why’d you make me wear a condom… isn’t the whole point of this to sustain you?”
Finley sat on the question for a second, “Dunno, something about you just made me wanna do this… normally.”’
“Does that happen often?”
Finley looked up at Frank and smiled, then placed a long kiss on his lips, “nope.”
“So… the countryside eh?” Frank looked down at Finley with a smile.
“Sounds appealing don’t it?” Finley said as his hand came up and caressed his partner’s face.
“Way more than it did two hours ago.”

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2022 ⏰

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