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         Suddenly I'm conscious again.. Wait where am I? Who am I? What happened?.......
Oh, I died. That's a somber thought as my memories came back to me slowly. Who would've thought I was one of the smartest people in the world? This title comes with graduating college with creating a cure for cancer of all degrees, 4 doctoral degrees in science, 3 masters degrees for medicine, and 2 bachelor degrees for chemistry. Many more came with this, although it's still a little fuzzy, but I was one of the smartest people in the world and yet I managed to die. If I'm being honest the way I died was a bit embarrassing considering my high level of intelligence. I died in a car accident on the freeway, there were tears streaming down my face making my sight a bit blurry, I didn't notice how I passed the speed limit minutes ago, all I knew was that my heart was broken. My boyfriend of 4 years, in which we were engaged, cheated on me with my best friend. I didn't want to listen to his words filled with pity because his eyes weren't filled with guilt, he gave me an apathetic gaze as if he didn't care any less than where he steps. Now looking back at the memories we shared I realized most of my time i spent with him she was with us also. We were like a big family, I didn't notice how he was with me for her. My thoughts kept racing. I kept thinking about the betrayal, then boom it was as if everything froze for a second and I realized my situation. My car was flipped over and crashed into many different cars, glass everywhere, people screaming, all i remembered was both the tears and blood streaming down my face steadily blocking my view. Now I'm here, which I don't know where actually, I can't feel my body nor smell or see. I guess I'm just existing in space and time. I'm completely confused about what's going on but being the productive person I am, I'm gonna count the time i've been here.
Coming out of my tranquil state I realized two things 1 It has been approximately 23,652,025.9 seconds which equals 9 months. Hmm I have my suspicions 2 I can feel I have a body although everytime i move my body I come across a force field which only moves a bit upon my movement.
(2 days later)
Ok we're back to stage one, it has now been 23,824,825.9 seconds, two days to be exact and i'm back to being confused. I was finally getting comfortable in that warm space thinking about how things back home would be if I was still alive. Until I felt as if I was being squeezed and pushed, I swear it was the most uncomfortable and painful thing I have ever experienced, not counting when I died. Then suddenly I felt I was breathing, I couldn't see, everything was far too blurry, but I did make out shapes and colors such as black and white. During my observations of my new and unfamiliar surroundings I felt a smack on my behind! It was so inappropriate, like didn't they know I was a 23 year old.
Then my body took control (which I just realized is so small) I started screaming and crying. After that little embarrassing crying session
which we will promptly ignore, I was washed as if I was a baby, then handed over as if I was a ball to pass over. Once in the arms of a female which I remembered was the black blur I was seeing at first. She was absolutely beautiful, I've never seen such black hair and eyes before, although they do complement her distinct pale features. She was a once
in a million beauty and she was smiling at me! She started whispering little things like 'kagami our child is beautiful' 'your brother will love you so much' and the one thing that made me realize which i was so oblivious towards, ' kaasan loves you so much watashi no akachan'. Here comes another round of embarrassment. I can't believe, me, one of the smartest people in the world couldn't connect the dots and realize that I was reborn as a newborn baby. This explains the 9 month time period and the warm space I was in. Shortly after this revelation i felt my eyes close, it seems like my baby brain can't handle too much thinking.

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