I'm what?!

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So let's revise what I found out about myself and my surroundings. When I was first born I heard this woman speak Japanese, which I'm quite familiar with since I spoke it myself. This woman is my mom by the way her name is Hae Uchiha. Getting off topic, (sigh) i assumed since she spoke japanese that i was reborn in japan unfortunately that's not the case here. I realized I was reborn in the anime Naruto (i know right naruto? crazy) when i was 5 months old, by this time i was able to hear a bit clearly and see a bit better.

"Honey can you watch your little sister for a bit, I need to run some errands" my mom said to my brother
"Of course Kaasan, you know I love spending time with my little imouto" my older brother said with a smile so bright. Shortly after, my mom left the house leaving me with my brother, he looks so familiar, it's at the tip of my tongue. "Neh my imouto-Chan is so cute!
What do you wanna do today?" My big brother or nii-san asked me, not exactly expecting a response but being the person I am I wanted to show off my knowledge so I spoke " nii-San I wan go ouside" curse my under developed vocal cords. I stared at him waiting for a response which I used this time to analyze my brother to get an understanding of why he seems so familiar. He looked like an uchiha, black hair which was adorably curly, black eyes that held so much warmth, love and adoration for me despite their color. He looked about 6 or 7, pretty adorable. My brothers words took me out of thought. He looked shocked, as if I didn't just do what I did " ...Imouto-chan you can speak?! This is awesome! My little imouto chan is so smart😍" Of course I sucked this praise to the brim, I've only known my brother for a short amount of time but in that time I've bonded with him deeply, I truly do love him very much. " Hai nii-san, we go play? Pwese (chibi eyes)" waring off the shock that his 5 month old sister can talk " yea, of course imouto Chan, we'll go to the park and you'll make so many new friends." Getting ready was pretty funny, it seems my brothers talent with being a ninja doesn't come with everything. Putting on my shoes and jacket we left. This was the first time I've ever been out of the house, I've always wanted to see the compound as well as the hokage mountain. I wonder if we'll see itachi on the way. I can't wait to meet him. I will forever be sad for what he had to do, which is why I'll work my way into his heart and try to do something if I can. I'm going to survive the uchiha massacre if it's the last thing I do.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02 ⏰

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