Chapter Three - Chatty Cathy

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After a little more wandering, and unsurprisingly coming across nothing of interest, Jules paged Jess with a message saying she hadn't found much and was heading back to the diner, with his reply swiftly saying pretty much the same, and he would meet her there.

"Hey," Jules shouted, pushing herself a little faster to catch up with Jess who was walking down the road his nose buried in a book.

"Hey." He said casually, turning to her. "Didn't find anything?" He asked.

She shook her head, pulling off her Walkman. "Though I did get in a fight with what I think is basically the mayor of this place." She shrugged, a smirk on her lips.

"How did you manage that, Jules. We've been here less than an hour." He grumbled, unimpressed.




"I'm not even going to ask." He shook his head, turning the corner as she followed.

"How about you. Find any cool spots, any places I could sneak off to if I wanted a cigarette?" She asked curiously.

"Nah, this place just seems to be filled with people and hay bales. Lots of hay bales."

"Oh, goodie!" Jules smiled. "Always love a good hay bales."

"You've never seen a hay bale before today, Jules."

"Oh yeah, right." Jules sighed, hopping off her skateboard as she tucked it under her arm, pushing open the door to the diner.

As soon as they walked in, Luke turned to look at them along with a woman sat at a barstool watching the two curiously.

"Jess, Julie, good. I'd like you two to meet someone." He said, almost happily.

Jules stopped, turning to the two as Jess continued to walk suddenly not in much of a chatty mood, which wasn't anything outside the norm for him with new people. He would rather die than admit it, but Jules knew he was just a tiny bit shy when it came to new people.

"Hey." The woman smiled at them, vibrant and big. She seemed young, maybe round Luke's age, or a tiny bit younger and she seemed happy. Too happy. "Hi, I'm Lorelai." She grinned once Jess finally stopped too. "I just wanted to meet you before Luke has the chance to fill you head with all kinds of little lies about me."

"Hi." Jess said blandly, looking bored.

"Hey." Jules smiled, slightly warmer than Jess had been and much less blunt.

"You know you should meet my kids, I have twins, a daughter and a son about your age, they can show you where all the good wilding goes on." The woman grinned.

Jules smiled sympathetically at her. If she thought she was going to get more than a word or two out of Jess, she was so, so wrong.

He just nodded once, leaving Luke and Lorelai to stare confused at him.

"Okay, um.. well, it's nice to meet you." Lorelai said, desperately trying to fill the awkwardness. "I hope you like it here."

Jess gave another singular nod.

"So.. class dismissed." Lorelai chuckled awkwardly, as Jess gave Jules a look.

"Don't be long, wanna show you something." He said in a bored tone to Jules and disappeared up the stairs.

"So, that's Jess." Lorelai said sighing.

"Yeah. Sorry, he's always like that." Jules confirmed.

"But what about you, Julie." She smiled.

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