Chapter I - Auditions

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The dance academy, a prestigious institution with the highest reputation in the country, responsible for the education and training of thousands of professional dancers. Each year, the academy receives thousands of requests to join the school but only 120 are accepted. Once they are accepted, they are separated randomly in groups of 30 students each forming four 'houses'. Then each house will participate in auditions to break the whole group into teams of ten people, from D3 to D1, D1 being the best dancers. The houses are like clubs, so they don't mix with other houses unless it's necessary or outside of classes. But that is later so let's start for the selection process. The selection process is quite complicated.

First of all, the applicants shall send their report card from the last year to the admission office which is run by Mrs. Cooper. She goes through every single report card carefully and chooses the best grades overall until there are only about 1000 applicants left. A card is then sent to the applicants, saying that they have passed the first part of the process and that they must now send a letter saying why they would like to attend the school. Most students write the same things like: I have always loved to dance, my parents attended this school, and I learned to dance when I was 2 years old. Which were only red flags and sentences that made old Mrs.Cooper want to throw up. After that process, only about 300 applicants would be left and they would have the opportunity to audition for the best teachers and agents.

The first day of auditions 

All of the studios in the academy are currently full of potential new students and dancers. Boys are separated from girls for the first day and there are 75 people in each studio. The first day is all about showing your full potential, it's not centered on technique but more on the freestyle part of dancing.

Studio A

"Yo what's up future students, how are you all doing!" Shouted Mr. Thomson, a seemingly young man who couldn't be older than 20 years old. "Who's ready for some dancing?"

The teacher was wearing a black tank top with shorts and had a red cap backward on his head, he seemed quite happy to be there and not all that too strict, which relieved most of the people in the room.

"Aight, aight. Attendance first, raise your hands. Jackson, Daniel, William, Aiden, Ian, Scott, Henry, Maxime, Lucas, Felix, Raphael, Leonard, Austin, Zackary, Connor, Phillip, Eric, John, Darren, Mathias, Bruce, Travis, Nicolas, Caleb, Mohammed, Adam, Alexander, Liam, Brayden, Justin" The teacher said as he checked off all the names once he saw the hands be raised, naming all 75 students would probably take more time than the auditions themselves the teacher thought to himself

"I'm going to be your audition guy for today, I'm Terry Thomson but you may call me Terry. All I'm asking from y'all today is to show me some of your freestyle, any moves or tricks you want so make sure you're warmed up good guys" The brown-eyed teacher said before proceeding to do a backflip 

Studio B

"Hello students. I am Madame. Bouchard" A tall woman with a tight bun began speaking, she was french and didn't seem quite relaxed at that moment "I don't care for your names, nor your background, so keep the talking to a minimum and the dancing to a maximum. While I don't appreciate the way we have to rank you all on this first day, it is what was asked thus you will freestyle" She sighed with a disappointed look on her face "Attendance will be taken right now, you better answer with 'present' and present only, if you don't you will be kicked out no questions asked" Well that really set the mood in the room, the pressure was higher than ever.

"Number 1, 27, 89, 235, 65, 43, 987, 354, 363" She began "Number 363" she looked around the room after having heard a small 'here' "Absent? Perfect, less grading from me" "Number 67, 19, 27, 39, 10, 28, 37, 384, 109, 126, 29, 35, 46, 5, 7, 13, 24, 9, 59, 53, 4, 32, 34, 2, 15, 987, 567, 243, 76, 69, 11 " She continued naming numbers until she checked everyone was there

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2023 ⏰

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