part 26 the Christmas curse

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the Christmas curse is real and it's here to stay forever so be carful to not get cursed this Christmas season because you will end up with bad luck,
the Christmas curse has its origins in the world where there are cursed things that will make you think twice before opening any presents this year because if you don't listen to your parents then you'll never see them again but you must not be afraid to leave them alone for they subsequently die before the Christmas curse comes on them. the Christmas curse is nothing to celebrate about it's purpose is to curse those who don't know what the curse means to them and they will surely suffer the consequences if they don't take action before their time of death comes upon them.
the Christmas curse is literally just a reminder that you shouldn't mess around with dark magic this Christmas season because you will be in for a long winter of horrible surprises that you won't ever see coming because of the Christmas curse that is upon you or your family this Christmas season,
the Christmas curse is a curse that will be repeated throughout history in ancient times,

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