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bare with me loves😭. s2 spoilers btw.
lex: guys.

devon: what's wrong, lexy?

jake: there's always something wrong with her🤦🏻‍♂️.

lex: shut up❤.

jake: no❤️.

devon: stop acting like children. anyway, lexy.. what's wrong?

lex: can i.. uh- add somebody to the group chat?

devon: sure!

*lex added nadine♡ to the group chat*

nadine♡: hi!

jake: hi?

devon: hey!

lex: guys, this is nadine!

jake: we can read btw.

olive garden: who's @nadine♡ ?

nadine♡: i'm lexy's friend! and you?

olive garden: oliver.

nadine♡: hi, oliver.

olive garden: hey.

jun: who is-?

nadine♡: nadine, lexy's friend. you?

jun: junior, or just jun is fine ig.

nadine♡: cool!

jake: anyway🤦🏻‍♂️..

devon: uh- what now.

lex: idk, i just wanted you guys to get to know nadine!

jake: welp, we just did.. so, now what.

nadine♡: well, me and lexy were about to go hangout, so.

lex: true, well, bye guys.
and that ends this chapter!

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