Chapter 2

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Y/n had opened her eyes to the sunlight in her face,

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Y/n had opened her eyes to the sunlight in her

she excitedly, moved the blankets off of her and ran too her mothers room, shaking the mother awake

"Okay okay!, I'm up dear..!"
The mother giggled

The mother and the daughter, had gotten dressed up for the towns leader who was visiting with his son about some adult stuff

A knock on the door, had alerted the humans the mother, quickly rushed to the door and opens its

"Hello towns leader..please take a seat..!"

The towns leader oguma and his son Louis had entered the house

"It's a pleasure to meet you..Mrs. (m/n) and may I ask, where's your husband is at..?" oguma
Raised a eyebrow

"Oh my husband he left for a job he barely comes home.."

"Ah well..and who is this young one..?"
Oguma asked

"Oh that's my daughter y/n!"

"Why don't, you and the towns leaders son, go play outside..?"
Mother got up from her chair to grab something in the pantry.

Oguma had turned his head to louis giving him the head Signal, to go outside even if he was 18  and if it seems childish.

After the deer and the human child head on outside.

"Oh wow! I never met the towns leaders son..!"

"Hm..well young one what do you like to play, when your outside?"

"I love to pick flowers and my mommy puts it in my hair, my hair looks so pretty with the flowers..!"

"Hmm well I suppose its a nice thing to do."

Louis gently bends down and puts a small flower in the young girls hair

"woah! It looks so pretty..!"
Y/n giggled

Louis chuckled, at the young girl.

"You wanna play hide and seek..!"


"I'll hide you count..!"
Y/n giggled


Louis turned his head into the tree and cover his eyes





Y/n ran into the forbidden forest to find a good hiding place forgetting, of what her mother said.







"Ready or not here I go.."

The deer had look under a barrel, a bush...but something felt off...

After a good 10 minutes, the deer starts panicking

"Y/ can come out now..!"

No response


Louis shouted

The mother ran outside to the deer


"We we're playing hide and seek and I can't find her..!"


Louis turned his head to the forest and realized.

"She's in the forest..."

Oguma had his hand behind his back

"Father let me take priority and to find y/n and bring her home was my fault..and madam..I will find your daughter."

"Very well then..but proceeded with caution.."

"Yes father..."

Louis had ran into the forest, taking his dagger out

𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐑𝐄𝐃  [platonic Yandere legoshi x child reader]Where stories live. Discover now