1. A new neighbor

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Jasper's POV

Great. While people watching I see two kids come out of the car. They seemed hyper and they were going to be my new neighbors along with some big werewolf dude, which I assume is their father. At least thats what I could gather before my regularly scheduled program aka, a new stream. I put on my headphones and turn up music before turning on my live stream.

I talk to the funny internet people for a while and talk about how excited we all are for the Poke- I mean Pokamon game. Ive already decided that the fir starter known as Fuecoco. I was having a great time before knocking on my door. Im nervous because there are two possibilities. One, my stalker is here which should be an obvious problem. And two, The new neighbor is knocking on the door which means I have to interact people, without a single screen blocking us.

I put on my pants and yell. "JESUS IM COMING!" I swing the door open to find a seven foot tall man with brownish red hair and muscles. Some scars line his body and I immediately wish I yelled something a little kinder. Both of his kids though, which look like 6 year old twins, have white hair.

"Um, hello sir. Sorry to bother you, but we're your new neighbors and we need a little help moving the couch. I would ask out moving company but..." He glares over his shoulder to what I assume is the moving company. "They're not being very helpful or corporative." Not sure if I said yes cause I was scared he was gonna beat me to a pulp if I said no or cause I wanted to be kind to a man who obviously haven't got sleep in a day and a half. Welcome to the club brother.

I grab one end and the other guy grabs the other end. His name is Lycanon... which is a very interesting name. His kids names peak my curiosity too as they're names are Alabaster and Alpine. After getting the couch into the house I look around a little. A picture of Lycanon, his kids, and a woman who I assume is his wife stands on the fireplace. The kids seem to be getting small things out while Lycanon gets to do the more heavy lifting.

Lycanon sees me looking at the picture. "She's beautiful, isn't she..." He smiles a little but sadness is behind is eyes. "What happened?" I cover my mouth as I notice Lycanons ears go down. No you just met him! "Im sorry, I- just- I have a hard time interacting with people and got curious and-"

Lycanon's POV 

Jasper kept apologizing but despite me telling him its ok he keeps going. Poor guy. 

I look back at the picture of Annabelle. Her white hair, light pale skin, her wedding dress... she was so beautiful.

We had a happy marriage. We went on dates, danced, cried over romantic comedy together, had twins. Nothing could go wrong. Thats what we thought. What me, my family, her, and her family all thought. 

One night she was walking down an alley. A shortcut to get home. She had been frantic, texting me that someone was watching her. I reassured her it was in her head. She would be fine. But the second she walked into that alleyway her fate was sealed.

She didn't return home that night. Or the next. Or the next. I filed a missing persons report as soon as possible. I looked for her. 

Someone did find her one night. The snow had melted just enough for them to see a hand reaching out from the snow. It was Annabelle's cold dead body. Someone still unfound to this day strangled her before dumping her body on a secluded snowy road. She wasn't robbed, raped, or anything. Just dead. Someone just wanted her dead. She was the sweetest person. A heart of gold. Its not fair. Its just not fair. If I had listened to her. If I hadn't dismissed her claims of being watched... she'd still be here. 

Its my fault. 

And now this guy... this cute guy is my neighbor. His brown fluffy hair, green eyes, freckles... He's sweet, apologetic, funny, good with kids... just like her. I promised I'd cage my heart in an icy cage so no one could get close. No one would hurt me again. But this boy is already melting that cage of ice without even trying. Or meaning to. And that melted ice, that water feels like its going straight from my heart to my eyes. "E-Excuse me Jasper..." I walk out and wipe my eyes. I have to stay strong for our kids. If I get hurt again they'd be screwed. Someone would be hurt, and it'd be my fault again.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2022 ⏰

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