pinball Vance pt 2

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(y/ns pov)

omg I god Vance is gonna beat the shit outta me I said to myself I step back almost tripping on a rock i-i-i didn't mean to slap you pls don't hurt me I'm sorry I'm sorry I do anything I give you money just pls don't hurt me but to my surprise THE VANCE HOPPER asked me to walk with up but then he said yk what nvm it's a stupid thing to say I don't wanna be seen with a faggot as he runs away tbh I kinda feel sad not because like I hurt him I mean like I wanted to walk with him wait do I have feelings for Vance Hopper WHAT NO IM NOT A -MIND THINK yk what nvm I'll just go home

(Time skip) at school

I got ready for school has I walked in school I saw people looking at me I didn't know why I asked a kid named max why I was getting looked at the boy looked a me with disgust and said um I'm not a faggot get away from me and yk you asked Vance Hopper out last night he told us:max I was mad that Vance lied so I looked for them when I saw them on the locker I tapped Vance and when he turn he said what do you want nasty faggot to ask me out again has his friends laughed I slapped Vance hard to the point you can see a red spot WHAT THE FUCK NASTY FAGGOT had he turn to hit me he hit me hard in my nose QUICK BREAK THIS WHAT YOU LOOK LIKE ps=person who made this story

You looked at Vance then you ran to the bathroom because he hit you so hard you bleed you heard the bell ring but you don't care

(Vances pov)

It turned out that my friendz seen me talking to y/n they asked what was going on not wanting to get caught I made up a lie saying he asked me out sure I feel bad but I thought they were not gonna tell anyone I went to the bathroom when I came out everyone had knew bye there face I heard my friend say sum when I in the bathroom it turned out he screamed that y/n asked me out if sut then y/n walked in and started ask this boy named max I know him because he asked my friend who's a girl out one of my friend of
I turned around just then I feel a tap on me I turn back around and yes y/n I then say what do you want faggot to ask me out again has my friends laughed I filled bad but the I feel something on my face y/n slapped me I was stunned for a bit then I hit him back harder to the point he bleed he ran to the bathroom the bell ringed my friend went to class leaving me behind I ran to the bathroom to see y/n crying
I ran up to him and kissed him but then....

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2022 ⏰

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