Next day

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Wake up I have to go to school I text Jessie are u up? Yes she replied, Shawn drives me to my house thankfully my mom works in the morning so I don't have to hear what she says. Hey u can stay with me for however long u want I don't mind Shawn tells me. Me being me I said ok and went to get half of my clothes then I get dressed for school and head back to the car, Shawn drops me off I get off at 2 so be here I said to him. I meet with Jessie in the gym and I tell her about my whole night she told me that she hopes I'm making the right decision with moving in with him because she hears a lot of stories about how that's how things go downhill but I brush it off i don't think I should judge it might work for us. After first period i wasn't feeling school so I asked my teacher if I could go to the restroom When I got in the restroom i text Shawn to get me. On my way! He replies I love how he's putting me first I've never experienced this it's the happiest I've ever been, I tell Jessie and she said she couldn't go today so I leave myself.

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