for those who dont know

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okay so i have two stories that i am currently working on. i take turns with writing them so after each chapter of 1 story, i switch to the other. so im working on the kevin x reader one rn, sorry for all you thirsty bob clowns out there. that doesnt mean im not working on it anymore, it just means you'll have to wait some time for the next one to come out

and school still exists. but i also wanna take breaks so i work on these during the week, i count story making as school. like, for english class er smth.

but thats pretty much it. im sorry for the long wait and i hope you can forgive me 🙏

i'll see you guys soon gn 🛌

Bob Velseb x Fem!reader. regretfully.. (spooky month)Where stories live. Discover now