Player Of Games

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The New Year city lights were glimmering through the full glazed glass window, illuminating the vanity table. Settled cross legged on the lavish vanity stool, the girl was entralled in painting her features with maquillage. After done with layers of foundation and colorful powders, her slender fingers captivated the matte coffee liquid lipstick and traced it along her delicate lips.

11:20 PM

The mobile resting on the corner of the table rang with notification sound, catching her attention. Grabbing the mobile, she swiped the screen to receive the message of the expected recipient.

I'm in the parking of your apartment. Can't wait to see you. 😘

She smiled, placing the mobile back. Giving her self the final touches, she stood up and twirled to the body length mirror to her left. Her deep brown orbs grazed over her reflections, her silky deep brunette fringes dangling down her shoulders, jet black open sleeved dress and high black heels. She looked back at her visage.

"You've never been my type, but someone I'd loved to delude and decept."

Simpering, she treaded towards the couch. Carrying the ornate bag and flicking away her framing bangs, she exited her room.



The multi hued neon lights enhanced the five star hotel's casino and the boy's visage, who stood by the billiard table among many players. The game was near the end and it was his turn. Just one shot. Bending slightly, he hit the black ball with the stick and watched it all the way as it dropped in the receptacle. The players around gawked at him before watching his triumphant smile.

He won.

Slinging the stick over the billiard table, he passed his hand through his dark black hair, awaiting for the vig. One of the boys around extended the cash towards him which he received with unbreakable confidence. He gazed at the money before roughly stuffing them in his jeans pocket. A notification sound caught his ears. Grabbing his mobile from the pocket of jacket, he read the message.

She's on the way. Heading in ten minutes. 👍🏻

A smirk replaced his triumphant smile and ducking the mobile back, he strode to one of the voguish sofas on the corner, carrying a champagne glass of whiskey along the way.

"I changed for you but you w-weren't someone t-to trust.. but someone who t-traps. You trapped me!"

He chuckled as he settled himself down.


The black Mercedes smoothly glided over the road heading towards the hotel to attend the party. The girl glanced at the boy attired in black suit who happened to be her.. Fiance. He'd been incessantly commenting on her appearance to make her blush but little did he know, it was just stabbing her. 1 year before, someone used to pass the same comments in the same demeanor but.. what happened when everything turned out nothing but a revenge.. a revenge?

The fiance was now apprising her with his business plans and discussing their wedding preparations approaching in a month. Her gaze was now towards the window, watching the glistening and bustling streets. Everyone's life looked in place, but hers? The track of her life was changed the same night she was dejected, she was decepted. The same New Year night. The same night, a boy left her on streets and the same night, she met another guy who was nothing to her back then but now.. was her fiance.

The car smoothly slid down the basement parking and parked. Her hands reached for the door handle but stopped when her fiance called her. She looked at him to find him smiling before he reached for the dashboard and clicked it open. Her orbs locked with the red velvet box. He held it out and she couldn't help but anticipate if he was planning on owning her another ring, but when he opened it for her, her temple frowned.

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