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I had just finished my last dance of the night and the gemstones on my bra were starting to irritate my arms. I had one more task to perform before the night was done. My job had other things than dancing to do, a man had scheduled time with me. It wasn't something I enjoyed doing, but it made me more money than dancing did. I found dancing more enjoyable since I could show off my body in fun outfits every night, the only part I disliked sleeping with strangers. Luckily, it wasn't a regular thing and it only happened once it a while. I walked backstage towards my dressing room to get ready. I opened the door and everything was just as I had left it. I changed into some red lacy lingerie and threw a robe over it, so I was more comfortable walking around. Even though everyone here had seen me on stage, I still preferred to be modest around them off stage. We were all sort of friends, it was more like we all had a mutual respect and understanding for each other. I opened my door and walked through some hallways until I reached "The Rooms" as we ladies here called them. My stage name was written on the door, "Lillian Diamond". I knocked on the door and I heard a male voice tell me to enter. His voice was deep, a little bit muffled by the door, but even with that it was enchanting. I opened the door and the lights were off. Even with the brief light from outside I couldn't quite catch a glimpse of what the man looked like. Luckily, I had been in here enough times to know where everything was. I made my way over to the bed and sat down close to the end of it and I felt body heat a little bit further up. I moved closer to the man and once I was next to him I tried to kiss him and get things started, but he pushed me away. I was shocked no one had ever done anything like this before. Most men wanted to get right into it and they made the first move. Being stopped was unusual for anyone.

"I want to get to know you first." His voice sent shivers down my spine, it was so deep and angelic. It almost sounded familiar, like the voice of an old friend

"You know you only have a set amount of time with me, right?"

"If we spend all the time talking I would be happier with that." I'm glad the lights were off because if this man could see the way my face was contorted he would most likely leave.

"Alright what do you want to know?"

"Let's play a little game with this. I ask a question and then you do, but if you chose not to answer you have to take a shot once this is over. Sound good?"

"I'm up for that, but who's buying?" He chuckled and his laugh made me genuinely smile. I laughed a little bit with him, but I kept up my fake personality as best as I could.

"We buy each others drinks, deal?" 

"Deal, you go first."

"What's your favorite color?" His first question was a pretty basic getting to know someone question, which made me think this was more legit, but I didn't get to comfortable incase this was a joke.

"I like (F/C). It reminds me of someone that's very important to me." In reality it's just because I liked the color, there was no deep reason behind it. He hummed in response and now it was my turn to ask a question. "Do you live around here?"

"Not super close, but I travel a lot. I'm only here for a couple more days." He paused for a brief moment before continuing to ask his question. "What's your real name?"

"I don't think I'll answer that one. Alright mysterious man, what's your name?"

"I don't want to tell you right now."

"Does that mean you are choosing to drink?"

"I guess so, luckily you're buying mine." He paused for a moment before humming in satisfaction, he probably came up with a good question. "So, how long have you worked here?"

"A few months, I'm a newer employee. Although probably I make the most out of everyone here." It wasn't as good of a question as I was expecting, but it was nice that someone seemed to care.

"People must like you a lot."

"They like what I can do for them more than they like me. Anyway, my question, do you have any siblings?"

"Nope only child. I have a friend who is kinda like my younger brother though. Why do you work here?"

"All of the people I cared about left me after high school graduation and I had no where else to go. This place makes me good money and that's the only way I can pay rent. I work here at night and at a cafe during the day. It's not perfect, but it's all I got."

"You're a very interesting person. I'm sorry all of that happened to you. I'm sure those people never meant to hurt you."

"It doesn't matter, I don't think I'll ever find out, they all went on different paths. I haven't seen them in a really long time." Thinking about all my friends made me sad and it made me break character, but this guy seemed genuinely interested. I was comfortable around him, which wasn't a good thing. I had to bring Lillian back and put away the girl that was hurting. "Enough about my sad life. What's your dream job?"

"I'm actually pursing my dream right now. My friends and I are putting together something special. I'm really excited to see what happens with it."

"Well chase your dreams, it's important to have them." I wish someone would've told me that before I gave up on everything and came here.

"Do you have any dreams? Anything you want to do after this?"

"Not really, I don't plan things out. I just like to go with the flow."

"You and I are very different in that aspect."

We continued asking questions back and forth until his reserved hour was up. I learned a lot about him. We actually grew up in the same city, he's my age, he has a great singing voice, and plays the guitar. I kept myself very mysterious and left my answers purposefully vague. I could tell he noticed by his reactions, but he never complained.

"Lillian, your time is up hun." My boss and the owner of this place came by and knocked on the door. She didn't realize that we weren't doing anything. I heard her footsteps walking away, she knew I was very good at stopping things when time was up.

"I wish we could've talked for longer Lillian."

"I do too, mystery man."

He chuckled at the nickname and his laugh was so charming I couldn't help but laugh with him. He seemed so familiar, but I couldn't place if he was a regular customer or not. 

"Do you mind if I see your face, it's really hard knowing a voice but not having a face to match it to." Him being shrouded in shadows this entire time made me interested to see if his voice matched his face.

"I'm not sure that's a good idea."

"What are you shy? We have to go get drinks anyway."

"Things will change once this light switch is on. Are you sure this is what you want?"

"Just flip on the damn light."

He was right, the lights turned on and everything mysterious about this man shattered.

"Yami Muto?!"

Word Count: 1269

Woah guys, I'm not dead!! I've been cooking up some special things though. This new book is one of them and another story that will probably only end up being one chapter, but longer than normal. I just got done with my term and finished up semester finals for school which were stressful as hell, but I survived and passed! I have some chapters for this pre-written, so those will be posted within a week of each other(After spell and grammar checks) and then after that it will probably be more of a relaxed schedule and I'll let you know when I'll update. Anyway, I hope you liked the chapter!

Undivided Millennium (Yami Yugi X Fem Reader) ON HIATASOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz