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 The next morning I woke up and my guitar was still sitting on the ground where I had left it last night. I got out of bed and walked over to my closet. I grabbed my work outfit and changed into it. It was a simple uniform, a black shirt and any light colored bottoms. I decided to wear light washed jeans with a black button down long sleeve. I tucked the left side into my pants and let the other half say untucked. I did my hair up into a low bun to keep the hair out of my face. I did a small amount of makeup, I didn't cake my face with it. Once I was finished getting ready, I walked out of my bathroom. I looked at the case that was sitting on the floor and debated if I should do it. Should I hear him out? This life I was living definitely wasn't my ideal life style, but being a musician with no sure paycheck would be rough. I grabbed the case and decided I would make up my mind during my six hour shift at Hot Shots Cafe. There's no harm in listening to what he has to say. With that in mind and being ready for work, I walked out of my apartment. The steps were old and worn concrete, this complex was older than most of the other around. It was cheaper though and that made it worth it. I got to my car and sighed, I could already tell today was going to be an exhausting day. I started driving to work and listening to the radio, my favorite song came on and I couldn't help but sing along. Once the song was over the ride went by slower. It felt like to took forever even though it only took about twelve minutes. When I arrived I noticed how empty the parking lot was. It was only seven fifteen, so hopefully more people would show up. I turned off my car grabbed my purse and went inside. When I went in I was met with my boss staring at me. I wasn't that late, only fifteen minutes late, that's better than normal. 

"Y/n, my office now."

"Fucking shit, I'm not that late." I whispered under my breath.

"I heard that." She turned her back to me and walked into her office behind the counter. I groaned, I didn't need this today. I walked as slowly as possible to get to my boss' office. She had the door slightly ajar so when I walked in I only pushed on the door. 

"What's up?"

"Y/n, you've been late almost everyday for the past three months you've worked here. That's three month's out of five."

"Okay, I'm working really hard at my other job, please give me another shot Mai."

"Y/n, I can't do this anymore. We may have been friends in high school, but I am your boss here and I can't keep excusing your mistakes. If you come in late tomorrow, you're fired."

"But Mai, that's not fair. I've been working so hard here, I'm one of the best baristas here, you can't fire me you need me."

"Keep pushing Y/n and I'll fire you today."

"I'd like to see you try, you don't have the heart to fire me Mai."

"Leave your apron on my desk. You're fired Y/n."

I was speechless. Mai and I had worked together through out high school, we were like best friends. She was the one who gave me this job when I was short on money. I may have over stepped my boundaries and I doubt she would forgive me. She was a stubborn ass and would hold onto this for a long time. I reached behind my back to untie the apron that was resting on my waist and grabbed my phone from one of the pockets before setting it on Mai's desk. 

"You know where the door is."

I didn't respond and just left quietly. There was another girl cleaning tables since we weren't busy at all. I was never really close to any of my other co-workers except Mai. When I walked out from behind the counter without my apron on it felt strange. I no longer worked with one of my best friends and I didn't have this paycheck to lean on. I guess this gives me a better reason to hear Yami out. I really needed the money right now and finding another job would be exhausting. The girl that was cleaning tables watched me as I was leaving. I grabbed the door handle and was about to leave.

"Where are you going Y/n? I could use some help cleaning tables." I had only worked with Mana for a few weeks. I did train her, but I trained most of my co-workers. She was a sweet girl and was nothing but kind to everyone.

"Sorry Mana, I just got fired."

"Oh, well you'll be missed Y/n. Good luck!"

"Thanks Mana see you later." With those word I walked out the door and to my car. This gives me more time to talk with Yami. I got into my car and the fact that I just lost my most secure job was like a slap in the face. I wasn't thrilled I lost my job, I also wasn't thrilled that when no one was at the cafe I was required to be here. My car started up and I started driving. I couldn't remember exactly where Yami's grandpa's house was, but I did remember the address. When I stopped at a red light right out side the parking lot of Hot Shots Cafe I put the address into google maps and followed the directions until I arrived at the old game shop. I spent so much time with the gang in the house. When I shut off the car I didn't get out immediately, I waited for a second taking in what I was doing. The silence was deafening, but my mind was loud. I got myself together and got out of my car and grabbed the guitar case from the trunk. My purse was over my right shoulder and I was holding the case in my left hand. I walked up to the door and entered. The little bell rang signaling I entered. I heard a deep voice calling from upstairs. I knew whose voice that was and I got nervous. I set my guitar case down by my side since it was heavy. I walked up to the front counter and waited for someone to come down the stairs. A second later I heard the stairs start creaking.

"Have you seen anything you like?" It was Yami's voice and he was almost at the bottom step, I could see his shoes. When I could see him, I knew he could see me and his eyes lit up at the sight of me.

"Hey Yami."

Word Count: 1152 

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