Chapter 8

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Accepting my new path was.....difficult to say the least. It was like being quite literally raised by a village. Anyone who has been raised more by their grandparents  than their parents would understand what it's like to have someone take a strange yet loving interest in what you are doing. For example I was doing recon in India with a few scouts and as i waited for them to do their job one of them took me to see the temple nearby. To see all the beautiful art, the carvings in the walls and the pottery made the travel completely worth it. I had always wanted to travel the world and now at last I have the opportunity to. With guard of course. Everyone was upset at first when I gave them the rule that they were not allowed to pat my head anymore.

After a few weeks things started to slowly get easier. The baby talk slowly stopped but it was still around every now and then especially when the new bots arrive and find out my age. The more that i accepted my new role the more it felt good to feel this kind of affection. Sometimes i have found myself going near the baby talkers as they like to give cuddles and affection. I realize now though why i do this so often, i didn't get to have a childhood. Having to have grown up so fast i skipped the entire process. Even Megatron was like the father i never had, the father that i had always dreamed of when i was little. Yes he was a working man but he never let work stop him from giving me what i need. A good example of this is just last week he was gone for a whole day, similar to my biological parents, but at the end of the day he spent the afternoon with me the moment he returned. He even shared with me everything he had done teaching me about his world, i would teach him what i knew about our world since well, books were my best friend as a child. He always made sure that i was feeling safe and secure in my surroundings and that i had my needs met.

Last night as i was curled in bed my schedule had been broken. I thought he had abandoned it for the night as i was falling asleep before hearing my door open. I pretended to be asleep as i saw Megatron's shadow in the light of the open door. I smiled as he walked in as quietly as he could before leaning down and properly tucking me in. "Sorry i wasn't here in time my little star,  I'm going to make sure this doesn't happen too often." He cooed and gently kissed my forehead. I'll be honest, i cried that night, but for once with joy. It was the best night of my life and i gave him a big hug the next morning. My life with them might not be absolutely perfect, we still have our problems, but it's leaps and bounds better than the one i had lived before. The best part is I'm starting to forget my old life, I'm forgetting my old face too. My name is Starscream, the half human half cybertronian Decepticon. I always have been and always will be.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2023 ⏰

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