Chapter 5

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The three scientists huddled together as the five hybrids surrounded them. The smallest of the five hybrids, which had a greyscale color scheme, approached them first. Its sapphire blue eyes jumped from one scientist to the next, quiet high pitched chirping sounds similar to a dolphin, coming from its form. While they were busy with the little hybrid the other four occupied themselves by attempting to dry themselves off, resulting in water being sprayed all around the room. The little hybrid realizing it was still wet, quickly shook its body, ridding itself of most of the water in its fur as well as soaking the scientists.

"Well thats definitely one way to do it." Sam says while chuckling.

A bird like trill sound comes from Luminos and the small hybrid looks back at it before stepping away from the scientists. Luminos the looks at them and its eyes start to glow a bright neon purple.

"Are you the ones who gave us life?" A feminine voice speaks up.

"Luminos? Are you speaking to us?"

"Luminos? Oh that must be the name you have given me."

"This is incredible."

"I am the one speaking to you telepathically as we are not of the same species. I figured this was would serve as the best way to communicate." 

"How do you know our language?"

"We could still hear you through those tanks you kept us in."

"Can the others talk as well?"

"They can but not in the same manner that I am with you. I would have to translate our language to you for you to to understand them. They can however still understand you."

"Oh this is truly remarkable. Kiato are you getting this?"

"Yes professor!"

"Kiato? You're the voice I heard when you named me." Luminos dips its head slightly towards Kiato. "I thank you for naming me. Do my companions have their names as well?"

"Well I haven't decided yet but I think the smallest one can have its name."

"The smallest is female as am I. The other three are males if that helps you come up with names."

"Oh, that does help a bit."

"Does he have a name for me?" Luminos looks over at the the little hybrid before looking back at Kiato.

"What did she say?"

"She wishes to know if you've come up with her name."

"Well since I can get a better look I did notice the marking on her head kind of resembles the moon so I was thinking maybe Luna?"

"Luna? I like it." Luna lets out a series of chirps and squeaks as she twirls in a circle.

"She likes her new name."

"What about us?" The purple and black hybrid was the one to step forward when asking the question to Luminos. She slightly turned towards him to acknowledge she heard his question.

"You three will get your names when he comes up with them for now you will be patient."

"How come this little runt gets an name before me?" This time it was the third largest hybrid who spoke up. His black and red fur ruffled with agitation. The blue fur around his wrists, ankles, and neck giving the appearance of bracelets and chains. The male took a step towards Kiato and Luminos only to be cut off by the last hybrid who was nearly the same height as Luminos. His ears were drawn back and his fangs were slightly showing as a low, deep growl echoed in his chest. 

"You heard what she said. We will get our names when the little human finally comes up with them. Until then you will wait like the rest of us." The larger male hisses, taking a step towards the other. The red and black male's ears went back as a small growl also escaped his throat but he backed away annoyed.

"Thank you for interfering." Luminos says to the gold and black male, dipping her head in appreciation. He returns the gesture, making a chuff like sound.

"Of course Alpha Luminos."

The humans looked on in awe and concern that such an chaotic event occurred so quickly and was de-escalated in the same moment by the very beings that started it. The two smaller hybrids backed away from the other three in fear of a brawl breaking out in the small lab.

"What just happened?"

"He is upset that Luna got her name before him, so he tried to make a fuss about it."

"I'm sorry." Kiato hung his head in sudden guilt.

"You have nothing to apologize for Kiato. You did nothing wrong." Sam comforted the young assistant.

"Your senior is right. It is not your fault, no one could've known he would have such an outburst."

"I'm just grateful no fight broke out."

"Professors, is there perhaps a space more suitable for us? No offense but this small space isn't very enjoyable."

"Oh yes. We have a outdoor habitat connected to the building. We can take you there."

"That would be most gracious."

"Follow us then."

The scientist lead the way out of the lab with the hybrids in tow. Since the doors were meant more for humans the hybrids had to crouch to get through the doorway. They made their way to the elevator which, since it usually had to transport multiple specimens simultaneously, was tall and wide enough for all of them to fit in comfortably. Lotomik pressed the button to return them to the surface level and the elevator started to move. As it was the hybrids' first time on an elevator, they were all generally curious of the contraption.

"Humans are capable of making such interesting things." Luminos comments looking around as they occasionally passed other floors.

"This is nothing compared to what humanity has created outside this building."


Minutes later the elevator comes to a stop and the doors open. Everyone steps off and the hybrids continue to follow the professors to their new destination. They had to occasionally stop as the two smaller hybrids kept trying to observe all their new surroundings which Luminos found endearing. Soon they all came to a stop at a large double door. Professor Lotomik scanned his clearance badge and the door slide open. In front of them all was a large open space of forest, with more than enough room for all of them to explore.

"Is this suitable enough for you Luminos?"

"Yes this is more than enough, thank you." The scientists could hear the gratitude in her voice.

"Feel free to explore, we'll come by in a few hours to see how you've all adjusted to the area."

"Thank you again Professors." Luminos dips her head to them, followed by the other hybrids before they all take off running into the forest, disappearing into the brush to explore.

"Well this is certainly going to be interesting to keep tabs on them now."

"This is the fun part of making our creations." Lotomik says with a chuckle and Sam just shakes her head with a smirk.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2022 ⏰

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