first day

714 14 14

Y/n 6:07
I was at my table putting on my makeup.

I woke up early cause who would want to rush in the morning and get their makeup all messy like ew.

I finished and smiled to myself in the mirror,

I walked to put my school uniform on, I left three buttons undone so my cleavage was out,
My skirt was tight fitting and short, over all I looked fetch.

I walked down the stairs and saw my mom cooking
"Hey mom" I said while walking to her and kissing her cheek.

"Hey sweetie" she looked at me
"Don't you think that uniform is a bit tight?" She questioned

"Yes, that's what makes it so hot" I said while texting my friends,

"Good morning" Jana said as she skipped down the stairs with excitement.

"Someone looks excited" I said while looking her up and down.


I walked up to her and undone some buttons on her uniform

"Okay now that's more fetch"

She huffed "y/n, I want to look presentable not like I just got fucked in the storage closet"

I sat down and took a bite of my food "each to their own".

When we finished our food we started to head out.

"Bye mom" we both said while walking out the door

"Bye, Jana make sure to keep focus and y/n....just please don't make any trouble" she yelled

"Yes mom"

As we was walking to school I saw this gorgeous mini skirt from the window of a store.

"Omg Jana do you think they have my size" I squealed with sparkling eyes.

"We don't have time y/n, we have to go school" she said while rolling her eyes

I rolled my eyes as I dragged her into the shop "we'll be quick, stop being such a goodie two shoes"

Timeskip (10 mins later)

Jana was pulling me as we was running to school
"Y/n we're going to be late because of you"

"Whaaaat I didn't do anything" I said while taking my arm out of her hand.

I huffed as I fixed my hair

"Look we're here there's nothing to worry about Jana"

"We still have to find out class"


After five minutes we found out class

"Okay you go first" Jana said while shaking.

I laughed at her whole opening the door as Jana walked behind me.

(Confidence is key darlings)

"You must be the new students" a man in a yellow sleeping bag said

"Y-yes" Jana stuttered

Why she stuttering poor her I snickered in my mind

We stood at the front of the class

"Okay now introduce yourselves"

"Hi I'm Jana I hope we get along" she said shyly

"Hey I'm y/n, we get along really well" I said while blowing a kiss.

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