The Quest Begins

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I have separated their in game parts from the reality parts using ---

This is based on my own home brew game, so please don't comments about how I am inaccurate. Also I have to tell it like a Story so of course there is some stuff I won't dive too deeply into for the sake of time and atmosphere. Because let's be honest, reading about a battle sequence is going to be a lot more fun and fast in I do it in story form as opposed to having them rolling dice all the time. Bare with me.

Art above is a commission I requested from @darycn2019on Instagram. I love this piece and her art so much, but this is to give you an idea of what I think they'd look like in this world.


"So okay, this is complicated." Amity stared at the colorful mat that laid on Luz's coffee table, looking over the small figurines. The group was circled around the table. Willow took one and started looking at closer. A girl dressed in a green and white robe with yellow detailing.

"These are more just for me to explain where you are in the story." Luz scratched the back of her head; she didn't think it was confusing but maybe that was because she's played it many times before. "Basically, you guys just have to worry about making characters you want to play and rolling dice when I tell you. But if you'd like I can take the game mat away, if that makes it easier."

"Aw, but these little guys are so cute." Gus said happily holding up a little mage figurine dressed in blue robes. "I mean look at that smile." Looking closely, the face wasn't detailed enough to have features so profound.

"He doesn't have a mouth, Gus." Amity replied blankly.

"It's the subtext." Gus retracted his figuring holding it close to his face.

"Well, if everyone else is playing, I suppose I will too." Amity said picking up a small character in typical brown and purple adventurers clothing. "You painted all of these Luz?"

"Oh yeah, that's why I had you all make characters in advance, that way you all had your own little figurines." She looked over the characters happily.

Hunter started at his little guy. A man dressed in black from head to toe, with small bits of red detail and a hood over his head. "Let's play then."

Luz smiled brightly. "Well, this will start how every adventure starts, in a Tavern."

"That's how adventures start?" Willow asked.

"In this game yes." Luz replied. "Why don't you guys start by telling us about your characters?"

"Oh oh!" Gus grabbed his character sheet. "I am Gus! A half sylvan elf illusionist mage who is on the search for my father who I was separated from a few months back." He claimed in one breath, adding in some dramatic flair and making big gestures.

"Oh um, okay. Kinda hitting close to home but sure." Luz clapped awkwardly.

"My character is a high elf conjurer? I think that's right." Amity spoke squinting at the print on her sheet. "I have gone out on my own after being confined by my parents since a young age." she shrugged. She hadn't really thought up a back story for her character.

"Wow, that's... familiar. What's the name?"

"Luz, you know my name. I'm Amity, your girlfriend." Amity replied looking confused and worried over her girlfriend, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"What? No, your character." Amity just blinked in response. "Wait Gus, Amity." Luz thought for a second, looking at everyone in the group. "On your sheets did everyone just put their name in the slot at the top?"

"Well yeah." Willow nodded.

"Why would I put someone else's name if it's my character?" Hunter asked quizzically.

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