The First Encounter

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The group woke the next morning and started getting ready for the trip. They all split up, agreeing to meet at the north entrance of the town where they saw the woman escape the night before. Luz didn't think it was going to take too long, but the group didn't meet until the sun was almost high in the sky. They had spent a long-time gathering rations and other essentials to the trip. Hunter was the first to arrive at the meeting point, actually arriving before even Luz had made it there. After Luz arrived Willow, followed by Amity and Gus.

"Took you long enough." Luz said upon their arrival.

"I was here before y-" Hunter pointed out but Luz just ignored him, cutting him off.

"Alright let's head out!" She exclaimed happily. The group made their way out of town, continuing down the road following Luz's map.

The day passed by surprisingly uneventfully, only one encounter of giant mantis, which went along after seeing the druid in the party and sensing no danger from them. They had stopped at dusk, setting up a small camp to sleep. The group talked more, getting to know each other, sharing stories from their adventures. Sometimes Amity, Gus and Willow would start speaking in another language which neither Luz nor Hunter couldn't understand. After eating dinner, the group retired to sleep for the night. Hunter took the first shift, while Luz took second.

Hunter sat sharpening each of his blades, even the hidden ones on his body. He found it as a good way to pass the time, and an efficient one. He sighed, setting down the last knife and looking back toward the group sleeping around the fire. It was quiet, but not silent. There was the sound of animals in the distance, rustling of leaves from the wind and the crackle of the fire which was starting to look dimmer in his opinion. He stood, grabbing his items and walking back to the camp. Taking two logs, he placed them in the fire, careful not to make too much noise or knock over the pile of burning wood. He heard a branch snap behind him and spun around quickly, weapons drawn to see nothing. Hunter took a couple steps forward, scanning the forest. He heard more rustling and snaps of branches around them. Crouching down, he shook Luz's shoulder, jostling her awake.

"Luz get up." He whispered.

"Is it time to switch shifts already?" She sat up and rubbed sleep from her eyes. It took her a moment to notice that the blond was in a fighting stance with his weapons drawn in front of him.

As she noticed, a low growl came from the bush the Hunter had glued his eyes to. Followed by another to the right of her. She grabbed her staff, and used it to softly nudge the others awake one by one. Before the other's could fully understand what was going on, a creature darted out from the bushes, lunging for Hunter. He tumbled out of the way, turning back to see two more join from behind. Large dogs with razor sharp teeth and stiff, dark grey bristly hair. Another jumped for the rouge, from behind. Hunter dodged easily, anticipating the attack.

The rest of the group got to their feet, staves in hand. Willow was hit hard as a sharp pain tore into her arm, she yelled swinging to knock it off of her. Because of the surprise and panic, she missed, however Gus came down hard, swinging his staff right at the canine's head. It released the druid, letting out a high pitched whine. All but one of the dogs that were facing Hunter, ran to the injured beast.

Hunter sprung forward toward his opponent, a knife in each hand. He lodged both blades into the back of the animal. He left them there inside the creature as he vaulted over it and landed flat on his feet, pulling a scimitar from his back.

Luz ran to the edge of their little clearing, getting further away from the group. She spoke in tongues and moved her hands in a downward motion from the crown of her head, surrounding herself in a faint orange shield which flickered with light and heat.

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