(Plz read)Info chapter

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Your mother and father used to do witchcraft, and as you were born you ended up as a demon. You use a porcelain doll mask to keep the demon concealed. You also have a doll that looks like you that you carry around. This doll is your 'vail' or for simpler words ' a helpful item that helps keep you from turning into a demon.' Your brother can teleport and do some spells but not much, he is more human then anything. You are a demon and can do many spells! More info on your parents are in the next 'chapter'.

F/f- favorite food
F/c- favorite color
M/n- mothers name
F/n- fathers name
Y/n- your name
Mi/n- (your) middle name
L/n- last name

Your allis is Ghost
Henry charters allis is hook
B/n allis is wolf

Your demon form description ( I will show a pic of it after): your arms and hands become mat black( stops at fore arm). Large black feathered wings. Purple and f/c eyes. Demon/ dragon type of tail. Large black horns. Sharp Tarth (multiple different rows of teath [8 rows in mouth and 8 in 'second mouth']). A mouth on your stomach/ tummy.
Here is some pics

 Here is some pics

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Lastly you will be spiritual meaning there will be different religious gods and goddesses mentioned

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Lastly you will be spiritual meaning there will be different religious gods and goddesses mentioned.

Hello my lovely spring-locks! I will try to update more books and book ideas. Please keep in mind that I wright all of the things in this book on paper first. I also have some wrighters block but I am working on some new and different book ideas and have become a little more organized with my books!

Word count 286

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2022 ⏰

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