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Good evening everyone ,hope you enjoyed the first chapter,keep reading  as it starts becoming more interesting
Chapter  One
Part 2 Chapter 1
*Marriage Proposal continues*
(Henry's Residence)
Henry's pov
Raymond and I have been best friends for as long as I can remember,we did everything together even when it comes to womanizing and fucking numerous girls even though am not as addicted to it like ray does,So your father is really serious about the marriage stuff i said Am fucking tired of hearing the word marriage,I can't even imagine myself getting married to her i said But why are your parents forcing you to get married to her,As a rich person I never expected your parents to stoop so low to arrange a marriage between you and a middle class woman i said Let's forget about that for now,am feeling restless which means I need something he said Call any of them i said Oh i did before coming here ,trust me i said and just then a lady appeared in front of us,Hey Ray she said and pecked him on his cheek,Hi Alex he said So where do we start she said and grabbed his d*ck,You got me babe ,Henry see you later he said and took her into one of my rooms.
Pauline's pov
  Life is beautiful with love i said Of course it is and when it is with the right person,just like you and Ray mum said Not again mum, i don't like him not to talk of loving him,nothing can make me fall in love with him i said And what do you mean by that mum said taking a seat beside me Why can't you understand me,I have my feelings also i said But why exactly do you hate him she asked You wanna know ,No 1 ,He is arrogant ,A womanizer,A player,Doesn't have any emotions,Not an human,Absolutely not my type ,Too handsome for my liking , he is i said That's enough,at least its normal for a billionaire like him, you don't have a choice darling she said ,You don't care about me despite being the only child,all you are after is my unhappiness not happiness i said Pauline i am doing this for your future to be safe and secure and your so called dream she said I know you never cared or liked my career,but when i become a great actress and superstar then you would regret not ever appreciating it i said Is that how you talk to your mum, now i can see your acting skills has affected your brains and its not making you know how to respect your mum she said  Mum please try to understand , look i can get married to someone as poor as a church rat than get myself married to that useless asshole guy called Raymond i said Wow you are saying you would rather die in poverty than to get married into a rich home ,what a fool,Pauline am also a mother and i can never hate  you because i gave birth to you ,and i won't see a hole and tell you to fall into it ,all this am doing is for you to have a better life,I don't want you to suffer the same fate i suffered,Ever since your father's death you know how things became very difficult for us,we barely even feed twice daily, if  not that you work part-time how will we be able to feed and even afford to pay your fees in college,I have already made a vow never to allow you suffer like i did ,when you get married to him ,your dream to be an actress will be of no use,because you will start earning money even without working mum said I know you are never in support of me being an actress,but you can never control me i said and left the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2022 ⏰

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