Job Hunting

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I wake up early Saturday morning and decide to get dressed and head out before Eddie woke up. I plan to hand out resumes today and I know Eddie will probably protest, telling me to focus on my studies. As much as I would love to focus on school I can't help but feel immense guilt over me moving in so suddenly, not only taking over room in the house but becoming another mouth to feed. I feel like a burden. I would love to help my uncle financially as a thank you while also saving money to rent my own place after high school.

I look myself up and down in the mirror, grabbing my set of house keys once I'm satisfied with my look. I'm wearing a black and white plaid skirt with a black lacy cropped cami. I have my leather jacket thrown overtop and add a pair of tights underneath my skirt along with my black boots.

I may not look business casual per se, but whatever, they can take it or leave it. I'll dress more formally if I get an interview.

I sneak past my sleeping uncle carefully and manage to make it outside without disturbing either of the Munson men. I lock the door behind me, tossing my keys into my mini backpack before heading off on my adventure.

I don't have a vehicle yet, another reason I need a job, so I'm stuck walking. I really don't mind it though as the cool fall air breezes past me and the leaves crunch underneath my boots. We didn't get weather like this in Florida, that's for sure.

I stop at a local bakery where a little old lady ran out from the back covered in flour to accept my resume. By the look on her face when she saw me I think it's safe to say I'm not going to get a callback. Nonetheless, I complimented her bakery and bought a cookie for the walk to my next destination.

Next, I stop in a video store but they say they aren't hiring anyone right now, so that's a flop. I head next door to a pizza place and am much more successful there.

This continues for the next two hours and I begin to hear my stomach growl at the lack of food. Turns out that cookie from the bakery wasn't enough fuel to get me through the morning.

I begin to cross the road to go to the cafe for some coffee and a bite to eat when a little store next to it catches my attention.

Vibrant Vinyls.

Vibrant fucking vinyls! Why didn't  Eddie tell me there was a record store in Hawkins? I ditch my cafe plan and beeline toward the store, crossing my fingers that I can get a job there.

I enter the building and immediately feel at home, it reminds me so much of the record store I used to work at. The smell of a record store is equivalent to that of a new book, pure comfort.

"One moment, I'll be right with you!" a voice calls from the back as I slowly trail through the aisles, flipping through the vinyl in the bargain bin. I head to the back of the store and lean down with my elbows on the counter.

"Sorry about that, what can I help you with today!" my jaw drops when I see none other than Steve Harrington jog out from the back, a towel thrown over his shoulder and his hands placed on his hips.


"Eden?" Steve's eyes widen I can feel his gaze looking me up and down, soaking in my outfit. "What are you doing here?"

"Is that any way to talk to a customer?" I tease with a smirk playing on my lips.

"Shit, sorry. Wait! I didn't mean to say shit-fuck! Can we start over?" I laugh at his adorable ramble and nod my head.

"Of course, go ahead Harrington, I'm waiting," I straighten up, crossing my arms.

"Hello mam, sorry for the wait. How can I help you today?" he says after spinning around as if he reset our encounter.

Twin Flame // Steve Harrington Where stories live. Discover now