Chapter 1

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Moments after his closest friend Narancia Ghirga left his side, he stood there all alone. His name was Pannacotta Fugo, a former member of team Bucciarati of Passione. Now he's deemed a traitor by his former friends. Despite his act of aparent defiance to not get on the boat with the other team members, he wanted to! Now part of him deep down heavily regretted not participating in Giorno and Bucciaratis quest to kill the boss, along with Narancia, Abbacchio and Mista as the team they always once were.

Fugo however, could never do that with out harming them, as much as desired, as much as he too wanted the boss dead. Diavolo would reveal Fugos dark secret, and he would be killed by his former teammates as they would no longer trust him. It happened when Fugo was 14, not long after joining Passione, as he was took in by Bruno Bucciarati after being disowned by the bastards he once called "family". Diavolo had heard all about the powerful stand Purple Haze, the perfect tool for assassination! Fugo, who was young and weak minded from all his childhood trauma was token advantage by the boss and was used for a couple secret assassination missions, (in which Bucciarati could never find out about). Fugo felt terrible for letting the same man who tried to kill his own daughter only half an hour before manipulating him when he was in a vulnerable place to do such a terrible thing! Fugo heavily regretted it! However it was either obey the order, or be thrown out of the organisation with nowere else to go. Being very young at the time, Fugo would have ended up dead on the streets. This made Fugo feel sick inside, he felt he could never be redeemed. He didn't deserve to be a hero.

However Fugo was in a sticky situation, as he knew Diavolo would try get information about the wear abouts of Bucciaratis team, but Fugo could never rat them out as he would never forget Bucciaratis kindness. The only option he had was to flee, the only option he could afford was Spain and he had to act fast before Passione noticed his absence.

Vega placed a delicately petaled violet bouquet of roses Infront of his adoring mother's gravestone, he was still grieving the loss of his mother. She would have still been alive if it wasn't for that bastard!

It happened when he was only fourteen, when his mother had recently remarried. Vega's father had died when he was very young, and his new stepfather he struggled to get along with. His mother however, adored her son, and they had lived a rather happy life together.

Vega started to grow suspicious of his stepfather, one night he decided to root through the draws in his bedroom, and found a document stating that his stepfather had a criminal history, but before he properly had a chance to look through it, he heard footsteps going up the stairs and hid under the tacky, king sized bed that took up half the room. That's when it happened, his mother, of whom he adored, of whom he had made so many happy memories of, her life was took before his own eyes, by his despicably ugly stepfather who was only after the family fortune. Then, that's when Vega had done something he heavily regretted but at the same time he had no choice. Vega would have been next to be "disposed of". His action was half self defense and half vengeance for his mother. Vega told the servants that his mother and father had stabbed eachother, they would never know what truly happened.

Along with his heritage of the rich Fabio La Cerda bloodline, Vega was a bullfighter, a rather famous one infact. Unfortunately, fame and fortune does not mean happiness, and Vega is terribly lonely. Growing up in a rich family, Vega was privileged to be homeschooled, he didn't have any friends growing up, or any siblings, but he was ok with it at the time became his mother more than made up for that.

Vega had about two hours before he needed to leave. His matador performance was at half past six. Vega was very hygienic, and had himself a bath as usual, he had a beautiful body with a lovely tan and gorgeous long flowing blonde hair, Vega truly was a beautiful sight.

Fugo let out a sigh of relief, after a long, irritable couple of days worth of travel, he had managed to find a rather cozy hotel room to stay at. This was only temporary, whilst he looks for an apartment and a part time job. Due to his former occupation in Passione, Fugo and his former teammates earned a rather generous sum of money. Fortunately, Fugo was always very sensible with his share, having enough to cover him during this emergency of a situation. Unlike Mista who would spend the entirety of his share on the newest, trendiest designer fashion or Narancia who would waste it on trashy Rap music. Though despite their annoying antics, Fugo still really missed his former friends and deep down hoped that, although it practically seemed impossible, that Giorno achieved his goal of killing the guy that caused their separation!

Fugo gets ahead of himself and needs to clear his head, he decides he needs some fresh air. Before going anywhere however, he needs to apply his eyeliner. He notices a flier on the windowsill whilst applying it. Upon further inspection, it's a flier to a bullfighting show, not too far a distance from the hotel he was staying at. Why not, he thought to himself, this was his life now, perhaps Fugo would end up liking living a normal life, as much as he missed the people in his previous lifestyle, he had to atleast try and move on, it was all Diavolo's fault, but maybe he could move on from his past mistakes, and eventually make new relationships. "I'll never forget you, Bucciarati" he says to himself as he opens the door to his hotel room. As long as no one found out about his past occupation, his heritage and of course, his deadly stand, Purple Haze he would be fine, Fugo thought to himself reassuringly as he walked down the corridor. This was the beginning of his new life.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2023 ⏰

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