What She Says Goes

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Isn't it funny how parents rules somehow do not apply to them? They keep telling you one thing over and over again but when it's their turn to do what they've been telling you suddenly their way is the right way and they always have a valid excuse for why they did it how they did it but your valid excuse is never good enough.

For example, my mother always says try before you ask for help. This seems like good advise especially to me. I am a person who thinks to much I will look at a problem and see it as impossible or at least impossible for me to tackle alone. so I ask for help and when some one else come along I will see the solution was right there staring me in the face. Which I might add is kinda rude, just staring at me without alerting me to the fact it is there but I'm straying from what I'm trying to say.

Today after we been to Germany for a week on holiday mother came up to me and asked me to fold up the sleeping bag because I done it when we were away. Just to let you know I got sick on the last day of our holiday so I wasn't feeling up to much. I would have been fine with folding to sleeping bag but the fact that I'd done so on holiday kinda irked me. On holiday the sleeping bag had needed to be put away so I improvised and stuffed it into it's bag. So I said that until I done it on holiday I'd never done it either. Which didn't come out the way I wanted and sounded a but strange but what can you do?

So my mother got mad at me and we had a row and I tried explining what I meant but she wasn't interested (like always) so I laid the sleeping bag out on the ground and folded it roughly the way I done on holiday. I, still being sick at this point, was feeling rather winded at tired and realised I'd folded it wrong. My mum got irritated and just took it off me and did it herself which gave me the feeling that by trying to do what she'd asked I'd done something wrong.

Sometimes I feel like there is just no pleasing these people.

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