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J hope : elsa are you ok

Elsa : yes?

J hope : because you never stay with boy right

Elsa : yes but

J hope : but

Elsa : nothing

J hope : ok

Elsa thought

You are right I never stay with boys they was random boys but not loved person
I love you hope my j hope (shy smile)

J hope : umm what happened

Elsa : nothing

J hope thought

I love this girl will she also have same feeling towards me? (Sad)

Yana : I can't stay like this (turn left sideside to see taehyung sleeping peacefuly ) you are my baby boy (smile) but i can't put all members in danger so i have to do this alone (sad smile)

Yana come to devil land to find what happened

Yana : what is this

Yana turn back to find devil shadows are there but yana don't do anything because she want to see what can they do in this way yana can do what she can do

Yana : what I have to do now (think) now I know what to do now (smirks)

Devils are coming in yana way

Devil 1 : who is that

Devil 2 : who is that

Devil 3 : I think there is nothing

Devil 1 : come with me

now inches distance between devils and yana. Yana kick one of them the devil fell down on floor she fights with all of them and enter the devil's land
When she enter all devil's are fight with each other
Yana got confused because why will they're fight with each other one of devil come

Yana pov

Who is he now why I am only seen this many devil's here I think he is devil's head

Devil head : now stop

Every one stop fighting

Devil head : you all understand if any devil not do there's job properly then one of you only kill you

Now I understand why they are fighting

Devil head : now go

Why I fell like I know him I see him somewhere why

Devil head : who is there

Oh no what I have to do I can't catch now (thinking) yeah (turn into devil with help of devil clothes which was besides her) now he thinks I am also devil

Devil head : what are you doing here go and do your job go

Devil (yana) : yes

Thank god

Devil head thought

I think I seen this devil somewhere but where I see here many devil's so one of them

Devil head : wait

What now did he find out that I am not one of devil then it is my end

Devil head : from which group are you

Uhh what there is groups also I don't know about that what I have to say now think yana think

Devil head : say (face yana)

Devil (yana) : i am from

Devil 3 : you you come with me why are you here come oh devil head you also are here I am sorry

Devil head : which group

Devil 3 : group underground

Devil head : ok

This devil save me from that devil head now I have to find out what happened in 100 years ago

Devil 3 : you should not have come here (look at yana)

Huh did he know me

Devil (yana) : you know me?

Devil 3 : yes

Oh no he knows me what I have to do should I kill him no no what I am thinking (or) should I fight with him no what happened to me I don't know what to do now not even what will happen

Devil 3 : with you only I am talking

Devil (yana) : huh

Devil 3 : what I have to do with this monkey

Devil (yana) : (shock) Yeonjun grandpa

Junnie : don't call me grandpa

Devil (yana) : but you are (laughing)

Junnie : no iam not I look like grandpa but not him why mom and dad give me grandpa name

Devil (yana) : because you look's like grandpa

Junnie : ok for now Say me why are you here

Yana remove devil clothes and say

Yana : I want to know what happened to our grandpa and why grandpa agree to do this

Junnie : same me to come here to find out about this but how can you enter in devil land with out any one besides you

Yana : i am min.yana i will be single never ever take help from anyone and someone you know donkey

Junnie : yeah yeah whatever now you have go back

Yana : what for going back I have come here no way bro

Junnie : what no one can change her

Yana : (proud look)

Junnie : fine come with me

Yana : first say me this from when to you are here

Junnie : come first or else we will catch

Yana : yeah let's go

Junnie : I come two months ago

Yana : what

Junnie : don't shout monkey and yes

Yana : but how

Junnie : when you all talking about this I eardrop you

Yana : that bad habits

Junnie : I know that but I can't let you go alone here so before you guys come I have do something so I prepared every thing for you princess

Yana : oppa I love you (tear eyes)

Junnie : what the hell you are crying (laugh)

Yana : yeah for you only (smile) but what have you do and that alone

Junnie : na na I am not alone princess am with my bro's (proud smile)

Yana : wow but where are there not seen here

Junnie : there are at different places so we can know much about this land

Yana : wow my oppa is intelligent

Junnie : I know that (proud) so what you do now

Yana : I don't know

Junnie : WHAT

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