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Name: Christian Hemmings

Age: 27

Sexuality: Straight

Relationship status: reserved

Siblings: 3 (Amanda, Luke,Amy)

Kids: 1(Chris)

Occupation: Military

Backstory: Christian's Mom died after giving birth to his twin siblings (Luke and Amy) escaping the hell hole his dad created later on, Christian joined the Navy as soon as he turned 18 getting married 3 years later with a wicked woman. Feeling like she was losing Christian to her cheating ways his wife decided to stop taking birth control behind Christians back soon getting pregnant to a healthy boy. Christian decided to work on things with his wife and be a family. She disappeared just shortly giving birth coming back with divorce papers. Christian crushed is now force to raise his son on his own. He'll do anything to protect his son and his family.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2023 ⏰

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