In Perfect Harmony ~ Porsha

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Pairing: Porsha X Calloway's Daughter Fem Reader

Request By: BuckeyeGirl2002
Y/N: Your Name

"Hey (Y/N)!" A voice shouts revealing to be Porsha as you are outside with your guitar and notebook writing a new song.

"Oh hey Porsha. Here to see my dad?" You ask curiously.

"Not really. Here to see you." Porsha says as she sits beside you on the grass.

"Oh. Well I'm glad you're here. I was working on another song." You say.

"Really? Ooh! I wanna hear it!" Porsha shouts excitedly.

"Oh no. I'm not that good of a singer Porsha. You know that." You say shyly.

"I know that you're Calloway's daughter. You should be a singing professional. Besides it shouldn't matter if others like it or not long as you have fun." Porsha says happily.

"I just don't think it's a good idea." You say nervously.

"Well at least let me hear your song. Please. You know I'd never laugh at you. You've been my friend since I met your dad when he joined Mr. Moon." Porsha says.

"You promise you won't laugh?" You ask.

"Promise." Porsha says.

"Oh okay. It took me a while to write this one but I wrote it based off our friendship. You mean a lot to me and I wanted to write something special from the heart." You say as you sing the song you wrote much to Porsha's happiness.

"Wow. You wrote this song (Y/N) all by yourself?" Porsha asks happily.

"Yeah. Do you like it?" You ask shyly.

"I love it! Especially your singing. It's truly beautiful." Porsha says causing you to blush.

"Thanks. I know it's strange me being the daughter of someone like Calloway and having stage fright but I can't help it. The thought of so many people staring at me just terrifies me." You say.

"I know. I hope you can overcome it sometime. I'd love to sing with you one day." Porsha says as she smiles.

"It's just I'm more comfortable with staying in my comfort zone." You say as you give a nervous look.

"I understand. Come on. We gotta hurry if we're gonna meet the others for our group meeting. We're meeting at the pizza parlor." Porsha says.

"I love pizza." You say happily.

"Me too. Come on." Porsha says as you and her leave.


"You ready Porsha?" Mr. Moon asks as the group is backstage later at one of their shows.

"Ready Mr. Moon. Thanks again for letting me choose my own song this evening." Porsha says happily.

"You're welcome. I understand why you want to do and I support it." Mr. Moon says as he smiles.

"Change of song? What's he talking about Porsh?" You ask curiously.

"You'll see. It's a surprise. You're gonna really like it I promise." Porsha says excitedly.

"Uh okay?" You ask confusedly.

"Okay everyone we have a special treat for you tonight. One of our singers has decided to go with a song written by someone very dear to her." Mr. Moon says as he goes out onto the stage.

"Uh Porsha what's going on?" You ask as you look at Porhsa.

"Her dear friend (Y/N) Calloway!" Mr. Moon shouts as you give a worried look.

"What? Porsha you didn't tell me you're singing one of my songs that I wrote. I've never even reallg sung them. Only you and my dad have when I've let you." You say in alarm.

"I know but I feel like this will help you to get over your fears. Your dad actually helped me to come up with this idea." Porsha says happily.

"Dad?" You ask as you look at Mr. Calloway.

"I know you're afraid (Y/N) but you love singing when you're alone. You have talent just like me and your mom. Just give it a try." Mr. Calloway says.

"But they'll laugh at me. I have no training for this at all." You say worriedly.

"Its not about being good. It's about having fun." Rosita says as Gunther nods.

"And besides the more you practice the better you'll get." Johnny says.

"Please (Y/N)." Porsha says as she looks at you.

"I'm sorry Porsha. I can't. I just can't." You say fearfully.

"Give it up for Porsha Crystal!" Mr. Moon shouts.

"We have to go on (Y/N). Please?" Porsha asks as she looks at you.

"I can't." You say fearfully as Porsha reluctantly heads onto the stage and begins singing the song you wrote.

"It's okay. We all have a little trouble somewhere. You'll get it one day." Ash says.

"Porsha what are you doing?" You ask in alarm as you feel someone grab your hand and pull you onto stage before you see Porsha holding your hand as a spotlight shines on you.

"Sing with me (Y/N)." Porsha says.

"I can't. I'm too scared." You say fearfully.

"Don't focus on them. Focus on me. Focus on us. Imagine we're in your yard playing and singing together. Please? You know the words by heart. I know you can do it." Porsha says reassuringly.

"But what if I do bad?" You ask nervously as you look at Porsha.

"You won't. Just have fun. I want to have fun with you." Porsha says reassuringly.

"Alright." You say as you smile at Porsha and begin singing with her and happily perform your song beside her before the crowd cheers as you finish singing.

"That was a beautiful performance folks by two amazing friends. Let's give them a round of applause." Mr. Moon says as he comes out onto the stage.

"You did it!" Porsha shouts happily she follows you backstage.

"I can't believe I did it!" You say happily as you hug Porsha.

"You were amazing out there! I knew you could do it." Porsha says as she pulls away and looks at you.

"Thanks Porsha. If it hadn't been for you I would never have done that. I'm glad it was you by my side out there." You say as you blush happily.

"Well I wouldn't want it any other way." Porsha says as she blushes.

"What do you mean?" You ask curiously.

"What I mean is I like you (Y/N). You're more than just a best friend to me. I love you." Porsha says as she smiles.

"I love you too Porsha." You say as you smile before Porsha kisses you and you kiss back.

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