CHAPTER ONE - Deals with Worry

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God damnit! I'm lost in this stupid forest, and Oj's gonna be MAD if I don't come back before 12 am. But since Oj isn't with me I can totallyyyy get away with it... OF COURSE I CAN'T!??

I've been walking for HOURS! How does Microphone even find here way out of here? I think I'm going to LOSE it! Jesus fucking CHRIST!?? when will I get out of h-
"Augh!" I fell to the ground as I bumped into somebody. Suddenly as I heard a voice. It sounded.. British?? "Watch where you're going-! Oh..?"

That voice... it sounds- familiar? No no no wait.. is that really-" Its nice meeting you again.. Nickel." "What are you doing here..-" She hushed me up. "For a deal to be exact. I was looking for you after all..~" Taco chuckled, than suddenly turning into laughter. Soon after, wiped her tears away. What is she even laughing about for?

I tried getting up, but Taco kicked me to the ground before i could even have time to move. "Make another move, and I'll have to do something awfully TERRIBLE to you!" Taco screeched out in a raspy voice. I chuckled, even though knowing the fact I could easily be dead right now. "Oh yeah, what you gonna do to me huh?"

Taco slowly had a grin on her face growing. It wasn't like that good ol' happy one, it felt so eerie, bad vibes crept up inside me. My senses told me to run, but at the same time what would Taco do if i disobeyed her?

My breath began to slowly start shaking, trying to find words to say. I caught a glimpse of Taco who grew an concerned look on her face, until going back to her neutral face. I could tell by her eyes she enjoyed seeing me like this. What is even going on anymore? When was Taco ever in the forest? Was she just hiding? No wonder she looked like she hadn't slept in months..

"Nickel let me just say this.." I perked up seeing Taco holding out her hand, soon after realizing she forgot I didn't have hands she just picked me up instead only to seat me down on a log. "Nickel.. you're pretty pathetic without Baseball as I've been spying on you specifically in Hotel Oj," Wait when was she ever spying on me!? As I was about to yell out something, she shushed me up making me stop hesitantly. "Let me finish my speak now will you?" I looked around before slightly nodding.

Taco coughed before returning to what she was saying. "And besides nobody in Hotel Oj even LIKES you at all! This is why I'm here to help someone as pathetic and weak like you as I helped out someone before they were eliminated.. Or more so quitted." Was she talking about Microphone? I did hear about the news of her quitting even though she went to save Fan and won immunity. Eh whatever, nows not the time to even think about it.

"Taco, why would I even LET you help me?" "Because I want to prove everyone wrong that you can truly be a good person! If you'd just let me help you, I'll reassure you that they will soon after hang out with you, and even be friends. Amazing am I right?" Taco chuckled, leaning onto a tree.

I was lost in thought. Taco, used to be known for her goofiness back in season one until she revealed the truth about herself. I hate admitting this, but I truly miss season one Taco. All before she tricked us all. Even if she was an annoying son of a bitch is all.. That was until I came back to my senses seeing Taco being impatient for my response.

"Yeah sounds SOO amazing to do!" I said sarcastically. Her expression immediately dropped to a frown, and started to speak again. "Nickel, this is an opportunity to make something big of your dream come true! Don't you want to feel valued? Getting attention, and so much much more! Don't you hate being left alone all the time in your room?" She was kinda right, it sucked. But he just wants to be left alone. He doesn't need anyone to be there for him if he didn't want to be near them.

Taco sighed drastically, both of us locked eyes upon each other.

"I know I'm now considered a threat, but trust me! I want to change myself, and I know it. I wish to prove myself worthy too! I know how you feel Nickel. This is an opportunity for you! I know I wouldn't be able to even if I tried proving myself worthy. But you, yes you! You are able to do it! People will definitely see you change! Especially Balloon..." Balloon.. The one I've hurt because I couldn't let go of the past. Because I felt scared he might've manipulated Suitcase, but there's nothing he can do now. Knowing Suitcase wouldn't forgive him that easily.

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