oh look a little angst based off my life

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(I'm gonna set this before I started dating my gfs 🥱also TW!!! implied SA, emotional abuse, a little bit of violence, swearing, and SH)

My eyes widened as I suddenly hacked, and dark, violet petals exploded from my mouth in violent flurry. They lilted up, in a way that would have been elegant if this were a different situation. I stumbled forward through the curtain of fluttering flowers. I felt a tickly, warm substance trickling down my chin, and I raised up a clenched fist to scrub at it. 

It came back crimson. 

I doubled over as blood rose up my throat, and flew out of my mouth in a violently beautiful splattering. 

"Sorry... I don't like you.... like that" she grimaced.

My head felt like it was going to explode, and my lungs felt like something was trapped in there, pushing and screaming to escape.  

"I need this, I need that, do you ever shut up?!" he shouted. "Oh poor, poor, Ko. I've gone through worse and pushed through it!"

I fell to my knees, coughing. Tears streamed down my face. An attempt to let loose an anguished yell ended in a small squeak. 

"C'mon, I can't be that scary.."  he cooed as his cold hands snuck up my shirt.

My bloodied hand reached out for a nonexistent saviour.  

My head snapped back, and my cheek throbbed in response to the blow. She stood in a fighting stance, as if she expected me to fight back. "C'mon, get the fuck up!"

I winced at the stabbing pain in my sternum. I pressed a hand to it, and that hand also came back stained crimson. 

I hissed as the basically mutilated pencil sharpener made its mark on the soft flesh of my thigh. Red welled up almost immediately, creating a stinging sensation.

My eyelids fluttered as it




(Truly goofing it up. Yes, this has all happened to me, and before you get mad, I put trigger warnings at the top so if you didn't listen to them it's your mistake not mine!)

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