2• Taurus

24 11 9

She's a comfort loving bull as she,
Caresses earth, the love of Venus,
Soul of an toddler, vessel of a fairy,
She's Taurus, the nature loving girl.

She's the Hierophant: the high priest,
Her beliefs are gentle yet firm,
Taking her time and easygoing,
She's the heart of the summer.

She gathers her energy from earth,
Give her flowers, food and love,
Her love is more than the trenches,
She's the second star of the zodiac.

She's misunderstood as naive,
And silly and lazy and fat,
But Taurus is just a bull who,
Has the biggest heart of all.

She can be King of Pentacles,
Abundant, lavish and stable,
A firm hand as a father who gives,
What the zodiac family needs

'I have' says Taurus in fixed,
The second to step into the space,
She has her smile, of gentle hay,
That becomes the life of others.

Author's note:

You will notice I use she for all earth and water signs and he for all air and fire signs. It corresponds with the masculine or feminine energies associated with the zodiac signs. (;

Dunno much about Taurus, but they are really sweet and cute people. Tag ya Taurus.

Your grateful author,

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