Country Day

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Monday 6.00 am

I was rudely awakened by the deafening alarm Avery must have set up for me. I sighed as I rolled over to look at the clock. 6.00 am. Great. I wondered what time school was anyway. After 10 minutes of convincing myself, I reluctantly rolled out the warm and cozy sheets. I grabbed my hoodie and made my way downstairs 

I rolled my eyes when I saw who was sitting on the other end of the kitchen island. Grayson. 'Morning' He said without looking up from his toast. HE WAS EATING TOAST WITH A KNIFE AND FORK. A bland breakfast for a bland man I guess. I grabbed a muffin from the counter and shoved it into the toaster. Ding. 

"Sooo... what time is school anyway?" I asked hoping I wasn't late seeing as it was now 6.40. "Its at 8.45 but we have to leave at 8.15" He said, still not looking up at me. UGH. He is so irritating sometimes. My new school was called country day apparently so I looked it up. AND OM MY GOD. It was nothing short of the definition of spectacular (The picture above). I went on to their website and saw they had three archives and so many different courses. Some I had never even heard of.

"Come on lets go" Oren yelled from the hallway. "COMING!" I grabbed my backpack off the counter, picked up whatever was left of my muffin and ran to the SUV waiting outside.  When I got into the car I saw that the Hawthorne brothers (minus Nash ofc) and Avery had beaten me there. "Sooo..." Avery trailed off, breaking the awkward silence just hanging in the air. "What's it like there?" I finished for her. "I personally, love it" Xander answered, sensing that I was nervous.

When we finally pulled up I couldn't help but gasp, despite looking at the pictures. The pictures did it no justice though. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed Grayson smiling at me in the mirror. I stepped out of the SUV and made my way through the courtyard. I kept my head down but I could still feel people staring at whispering all around me. I was startled when I felt an arm brush on my own. I glanced up and saw it was Grayson, giving me a confidence boosting smile. I could feel my cheeks and ears heating up as I gazed back at him. I was shocked out of my daydream when he finally said "We need to go to the Principals office. She will probably keep you there for an hour or two. Make sure you pay attention." And with that he just walked off into the crowd.

I timidly knocked on the principal's door. "Come in! Oh hello Madeline how are you? I just spoke with your sister actually." She was a tall woman I supposed in her 40's but she didn't look it. "Hi" I awkwardly said back. "I have heard about you." Uh Oh. "Straight A student, excelling in studies. You are impressive I must say. But as you probably can tell the standards here are higher and an A in your old school is a failure here. Did you know country day Is one of the most prestigious schools in North America. We take pride in that here." Wow great introduction to say I will probably fail here. But I knew she was right. I would have to work twice as hard to get to an A.

She talked to me for an hour and a half. She told me about all the opportunities here and what courses she signed me up for: Physcology, Biology, Economics and French. Which is just great because I know little to nothing about economics.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2022 ⏰

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