What is Undertale Awakening

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Undertale Awakening is a super collab by @Originalsparkstar from Wattpad based on the given plot, "Everyone wakes up as their Undertale/Deltarune OCs and the government wants to use them as super soldiers/weapons".

Here's the link to her story that will be in the comments next to this paragraph since Wattpad does not let links be embedded into their chapters:

There will be a lot of violence and angst in this one, so if it's not your cup of tea, don't force yourself and just enjoy the ride.

Where are the works that go with Undertale Awakening?

Well there are many works that go with it, you can go to anyone's Reading List or #Undertaleawakening

However potatoreak and Firehedgehog have their own Reading Lists titled Undertale Awakening that you can find.

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