of ice and and feathers.

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Chosen parts of a chapter in a Imperial history book dedicated to Imperial-xer relations from the year 32nd of the new Imperial calendar.

" from the day of unification our first Emperor ruled. Altho later his achievements will be overshadowed by multitude of scandals that were later uncovered but no one can say he didn't brought peace and Prosperity to earth and its citizens . He started and followed through with many projects but his most ambitious one was the plan of expansion for humanity into the stars. Only after 20 years of his rule first outposts were being built on various planets, Moons and asteroids in the solar system. As the stellar domain of humanity grew questions of non human life erupted.  While he hoped for diplomatic relations with whatever aliens were there he didn't left the possibility of them being aggressive and in that case the construction of the first Imperial space fleet commenced.

After another 50 years and all industrial might of humanity  we produced 10 carriers. 5 battleships  and 20 frigates.  All equipped with the newest weapons developed . This would turn out to be the right decision.

On a Friday night of the year 71 AU unknown signals reached all stations on the northern sector of the solar system. It sounded like a 2 languages but it was nothing that could be understood by the operators.  Using common sense the general staff and the emperor himself decided that 2 weird languages coming from deep space may only be aliens. While people were excited on this news they were also worried. and fearing the worst the general staff put the imperial Fleet on alert and send them to the quadrant.

This proved to be a perfect choice as from either side of the fleet w others emerged from the darkness of space. Having met a wall of alien ships with their guns pointed at them both fleets that were preparing to engage each other stopped their movements.  They attempted to hail our ships in many languages but to no avail. Before long both realised they chose a system of a " primitive " civilization as their battlefield. A primitive civilization who already has a decent fleet for the standard of the young space civilizations . Both fleets sat there for about 5 months.  For first 3 months of this time diplomats and linguists from the empire and the 2 alien nation.  And mostly were successful.  Few kinks had to be corrected but conversational level have been achieved.

One of them was the " Guldix empire "  a species of armoured molluscoids, their society is accepting of other species but Culturally it is was very rigged and religious.  The entire species came from a jungle world known as " the Holy throne of tect" named after their monotheistic god. The nation itself was lead by a council consisting of the most talented and magically gifted individuals.  Initially it was believed that this was a mistake in translation, but a demonstration of the guldix envoys magical abilities not only shook a lot of scientific foundations of the empire and created a spike in people considering themselves as religious.  But also proofed our translations to be correct.

The other nation was the "xer'za Republic " . The people themselves are named the Xer and their frozen planet homeworld was name xer'za . Where the world za became a word meaning home so the homeworlds name can be roughly translated as " xer home" or more in line with the actual meaning " home of the xer"

Their homeworld was as stated before a frigit world with constant winters and fauna that adapted to living even in constant sub zero temperatures.  The world itself is a moon of a gas giant called xer'zu  ( every word in xer language starts with the word xer. But only when talking about the people themselves or their homeworld is the meaning of the der people is used).

Xer are a race of arthropods with a lower body of a bug and a roughly anthropomorphic torso with a non human head while being covered by chitin that can range from black to blue depending on the individual.  Higher amount of colour blue mean higher amount of the anti freezing substance their planets life developed.
Xer themselves are also biologically the smartest species in the galaxy .

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2023 ⏰

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