Judgement Day

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The Awakening

"I walked into the darkness, I set myself on fire, I stared into the heartless and I found out death is a liar." - I Prevail


Booming thunder and lightning-scarred skies signaled the return of the children of Ozai to the Capital City, with none other than the Butcher of Ba Sing Se in tow.

Zetzu was certain his sister would've managed to let Aelita's newest moniker slip by now because that would be so very like her. The Prince leaned against the wall in his brother's quarters, arms crossed over his chest and glowering at the thought. Spirits, he hated his siblings.

Zuko could see the expression written across his twin's reflection in the mirror he stood before. "If looks could kill," He muttered as he shrugged his first layer over his bare chest, a deep red long-sleeved top that matched the pants he wore, Zetzu already dressed in a finer uniform than either had ever been permitted to wear before. His brother rolled his eyes at him. "There's never been a time that Aelita hasn't figured out a way to deal with Azula, she'll be alright."

"Things are different now," Zetzu argued. "She's different now, Zuko, they both are."

"You think I don't know that?" The elder asked with a raised brow, not bothering to turn and face the younger head-on. "Azula's only gotten smarter while we've been gone, and if we try to block her out completely, she'll just take it as further proof that we have something to hide. We have to give her a little."

"But what happens if we give her the bit and she takes the lot, hmm?" Zetzu asked, annoyance rising. "Then what?"

"She won't," Zuko told him, reaching for his black outermost layer. "Aelita won't let her."

He tugged the garment trimmed in gold over his head, the embellishment of it to laying across his chest and shoulders, a matching pair with the boots on his feet. It was one of the few ensembles all three siblings shared. When they wore them, the only details that would give away the fact the twins were any different from their sister were the markings on their faces, a tattoo on one, and a scar on the other.

"I've followed your lead up until now, Zetzu, I've stayed away because you said you knew what you were doing with her but I'm telling you now," Zuko said to his brother, "If you smother her too much, treat her like some fragile thing incapable of taking care of herself, it will only push her away."

"You would know, wouldn't you?" The younger twin scoffed. "Is that why she was so willing to leave you behind? Did you smother her Zuko? It seems so very like you, you were always up her ass as kids after all."

Zuko finally turned to face his brother, jaw set, disbelief in his eyes. "What's gotten into you?"

Lightning danced just beyond the elder twins' window while each stared at the other in tense silence. It was Zetzu who looked away first, a deep sigh off his lips as he rubbed the back of his neck, hair already pinned in a knot on top of his head. "I'm sorry. I guess I'm a little on edge."

Zuko's annoyance lowered but didn't disappear. "We both are, but being at each other's throats won't do anyone any good."

"It would do Azula plenty I'm sure," Zetzu scoffed. He crossed the space to his brother and motioned for the elder to turn around. Zuko watched him through the mirror as the combustionbender began to thread the lacing behind his neck. "I don't trust her."

Zuko took in his brother's admission, and after a moment admitted, "Neither do I."

"What about me, brother?" Zetzu asked, eyes drifting up to meet his twins in the mirror while his fingers worked. "Do you trust me?"

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