How we met pt. 1

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All of the things in this story are not true, for all you dweebs out there 😒

*Alarm clock rings* "6:01" it reads Mr. Mitchell lays in his bed, thinking why he even woke up that day. He was still tired and his body still aches form last night, while he was laying in his bed, his daughter slams the door open, she was jumping with excitement as she was going back to her mom's house. When he got ready, he went to the kitchen to make the both of them some breakfast before they head out.

After he dropped off his daughter at her mom's house, he waved her goodbye while her mom greeted her at the door when she was walking inside she quickly gave him a death stair before going back inside the house. Mr. Mitchell hated her so much but didn't show it around his daughter, all he wanted was is to relax. He looks at the clock in the dashboard to see what time it was "7:33" it said that meant the gym and coffee shop was open. First he went to the gym to work out like normal, then he went to the coffee shop to drink some coffee and relax a little bit.

When he arrived at the coffee shop he went inside to get coffee, while walking in he saw a man sitting by himself "I'll sit with him after I order my coffee" he thought as he ordered the coffee that he liked and ordered every time he could get.

When he got his coffee he started to walk over to the table that the man was sitting at. Once he got there he asked if he could sit there " hay, um, can I sit with you, by any chance?" Mr. Mitchell asked as he pulled the chair out from under the table. "Ya, sure, you can. " he said while he took a sip of his coffee, Mr. Mitchell sat down and both him and the man started to talk and ask questions. "Well, uhh.. What's your name? " Mr. Mitchell asked the man "you can just call me campbell." The man replies, as they talked they slowly became friends and they planed to hang out sometime since they have each other's phone numbers and get along together very well.

Mr. Mitchell x Mr. Campbell (Continued) Where stories live. Discover now