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Sodapop loved the way Johnny looked in his flannels. He loved the way his flannels were too big for Johnny, so it ended up with Johnny having an exposed shoulder as the flannel would keep slipping off his shoulder, how the flannels would reach down to his thighs, and the way that his sleeves were too big which would hide away Johnny's hands.

He honestly just loved the way his boyfriend looked in his flannels, it was one of his ways to show love, and comfort to Johnny. And honestly, Johnny loved the way Soda showed his affection towards him, he kind of found it cute, and it made him feel all soft, and fuzzy inside, and outside any time he had his boyfriend's soft flannels wrapped around his body.

And this was probably the easiest, and a subtlest way for the two boys to show their love, and affection for each other without anyone thinking weirdly about them, or getting suspicious about what was happening between them, all everybody saw was two good friends sharing clothes when one "forgot" his jacket or his jacket was "washing", or had a "spill" on it.

Well, there was a slight problem with Sodapop giving Johnny his flannels. Every time Johnny was given a flannel to keep for a night, he would be told to bring it right back the next morning, but sometimes Johnny would forget to bring back Soda his flannel, and Soda would forgive him easily because he can't get mad at his Johnnyboy. And sometimes this would repeat, with Sodapop ending up having fewer flannels than he did before, with him also forgetting that Johnny took his flannels, so he wonders where he could have left them at.

And well, today was like those days, when Sodapop forgot that Johnny has been stealing his flannels for almost the whole week.

It was a quiet, and relaxing morning with Ponyboy reading while listening to the t.v, Darry in his room doing some paperwork, and Sodapop, who was fully dressed, and ready to go out, but felt like he was missing something in his outfit, his flannel.

"Hey Pony, ya know where my red flannel is?" Sodapop said as he entered the living room, checking under the couch for his red flannel only to find nothing, "Did you check your closet?" Ponyboy asked not taking his eyes off the book that he was really invested in right at the moment, now moving to the other side of the couch as Sodapop checked under the pillows, and cushion, "Yup, but I didn't find anything" Sodapop moved to the next cushion, finding nothing. Pony tried to recall where Sodapop could have placed his flannel, but failed as he didn't pay attention to where Soda's stuff was placed "Well, ask Darry then he probably would know" Ponyboy said, before moving back to the same spot he was sitting on before Soda interrupted him.

The dirty blond peaked his head from behind his older brother's doorway. "Heyy, Darry, you know where my red flannel is?" The older brother turned around from his work desk, "What do you mean, where's your flannel at?" Darry asked, rubbing his forehead out of annoyance, "Well I can't find it, and Pony doesn't know where it is, so do you?" Sodapop leaned on the doorway with a small grin on his face, hoping to not make Darry annoyed as much then he was already, Darry sighed in his hands, mumbling a small fine, before speaking up again "Alright I'll help you find it" the younger brother got out of the doorway, and started to walk the hallway to his shared room with his younger brother " God Soda, do I have to do everything for you?"Darry muttered as they made their way to Soda's room "Yes, yes you do".

Opening the shared closet of Sodapop, and Pony, Darry started looking around. Shifting the clothes around, only to find two of Soda's flannels either red, "What the hell happened here Soda, why are there only two flannels here? I know you had at least around ten, or nine of them. Did someone steal them huh?" When the remark left Darry's mouth Sodapop could feel his face turn almost bright red, his cheeks burning, remembering the night before when he had Johnny wrapped around his arms as the two boy's slept in his bed, their bodies intertwined, both wearing flannels...

"Oh! I know where they might be, maybe at Johnny's, since I gave them after he had to clean his jacket!" The words left Soda's mouth quickly as he shut the closet close, running out of the house and into his car as he started to make his way to Johnny's house.

Parking his car a few feet away from the Cade household as the father's car was outside the house, showing that he was there, and Soda not wanting to deal with his boyfriend's father. He sneaked behind the house, getting to Johnny's bedroom window, knowing that Johnny kept his window open Sodapop gently put his fingers under the window, pushing it up he started to get in.

Getting his foot first he was stopped by a soft, yet shaken voice "Oh hi Soda, whatcha doing so early in the morning here?" Soda gave him an awkward grin, and a soft "hi", before almost face palming onto the floor when he stepped foot in Johnny's room, Sodapop's face turned a slight red from embarrassment when he heard a chuckle come from Johnny.

Getting up quickly, Soda walked up to Johnny, who was sitting at his desk looking like he was working on something, "Whatcha doing baby?" Sodapop leaned over Johnny looking down at his desk. "Just finishing up some undone work hon," Johnny explained looking down at the science homework that was due next Monday, "So what are you doing here babe?" Johnny looked up at Sodapop with a small smile painted on his face, "Oh nothing babe, just need to reclaim something that's mine, that's all" Sodapop explained ruffling Johnny's hair as he wandered his way to Johnny's closet.

Opened his boyfriend's closet to find his precious flannels all piled up as Soda started to pick his flannels out, he picked one out just for his boyfriend. Setting all the rest of the flannels down, "Hey babe, come here" Sodapop held up one of his green flannels, "Put this on" he handed the flannel to Johnny, who put it on without hesitation with Soda buttoning it up. "There, I knew green was your color" Sodapop kissed his forehead, causing Johnny to giggle playfully pushing Soda away, before getting back into his chair.

"Well, I'm gonna leave ya to finish up that work," the dirty blond started to make his way out of the Cade household, but not before he flirted one last time, "Can't wait to see you tonight, pretty boy" he winked, blowing a kiss at his adorable boyfriend, before shutting the window closed.

FlannelsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora