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chapter trigger warning: mentions of suicide, mentions of attempts, and meanly "joking" around the topic

no beta, we die like Terzo

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Dew couldn't sleep.

The restless fire ghoul tossed and turned in his bed, but he couldn't find the right way to rest. His mind was racing and he couldn't stay still.

Sitting up in his bed, Dew rubbed his eyes and yawned softly. Maybe pacing around the abbey would help... Get his energy out and tire him so he could pass the fuck out.

Dew slowly stood up from his bed, brushing a hand through his chin length blue hair, fixing it up around his curved black horns. The short fire ghoul had soft gray skin, freckles lightly coating his cheeks, and teardrop-like marks running down his cheeks. He wore a pair of simple black pajamas, though he left a generous four of the top bottoms undone on the shirt, exposing his chest and part of his tattoos.

Dew padded quietly over to his door and very carefully cracking it open, wincing as the old hinges squeaked. Fuck. He really didn't want to wake anyone else up at this hour. Hell, what hour was it anyways? It didn't fucking matter.

Dew began to pace down the hallway, shoving his hands into his pajama pants pockets. Dammit, he should've grabbed his shoes.. He knew the cobble hallway would be freezing on his bare feet. Especially with him having a higher body temperature than the others.

Dew had eventually made a lap around the maze like hallways, pausing at his room. He wasn't quite exhausted yet, but he knew he'd need his jacket if he went anywhere else.

He sighed before not-so-quietly kicking his door open and rummaging around in his mess of shit for his jacket and a pair of slippers.

Dew slipped his feet into the slippers once they were found, then pulled his jacket onto his arms and up over his shoulders. He zipped said jacket up halfway before grabbing his pack of cigarettes from the bottom of his dresser drawer. The ministry would kill him if they saw him smoking again, but no one would see him at this hour.

Ten minutes later and Dew found himself shoving open the hatch onto the roof of the abbey, climbing up onto said roof. He left the door open, knowing he'd need to find his way back down later.

Dew slid down the side of the roof until he was a few feet from the edge, digging his claws into the roof tiles to slow his descent. Once he had himself braced on the roof, he leaned back and cracked open his pack of cigarettes, using his claws once again to nearly tear open the package.

Loosely snapping two of his fingers, Dew summoned a small flame on the tips of his fingers, using said flame to light one of the cigarettes he had stuck between his lips.

"Yknow, they'll kill you if they catch you." A voice suddenly spoke up from behind Dew, startling the fire ghoul and causing him to choke.

As the fire ghoul was thrown into a coughing fit, the ghoul that the voice belonged to slid down the side of the roof, stopping just before they got to Dew's side.

"Fuck off, Rain." Dew snarled before covering his mouth again as he coughed, smoke curling from his lips.

"Can't help it when I'm woken at 1 am by someone slamming doors." Rain shrugged, fumbling to turn on their vape before taking a slow drag from it. The water ghoul was wearing their own pair of pajamas, light blue in color. Their dark blue hair fell around their jagged black horns, framing their soft face. They had the same teardrop-like markings on their cheeks- a common trait of water ghouls.

Dew hissed as the smell of blue raspberry filled the air as Rain breathed out their vapor, taking a harsh drag on his own cigarette, watching the tip of it burn bright red.

"Yknow, the ministry will let you keep a vape instead of cigarettes." Rain spoke up after a few moments of silence.

"Not my thing." Dew grumbled, smoke curling from his lips as he talked, "Too sweet and watery."

"But yet you'll hit off of Swiss' whenever?" Rain questioned as they took another hit from their vape, watching Dew blow out the rest of the smoke.

"Swiss always has xe's vape on xem. It's an easy nic hit when I can't smoke." Dew shrugged, flicking his cigarette and watching the ash drift off the edge of the abbey roof, "Plus xe doesn't have shit flavors."

"Blue Raspberry isn't a shit flavor." Rain shot back, blowing their vapor in Dew's face. The fire ghoul pretended to gag, before coughing a few times, waving his hand in the air.

"Gross." Dew hissed, whacking Rain on the shoulder a few times as he waved his hand, "I could fucking taste that one."

"Good. Keep your shit to yourself." Rain spoke, swinging their own arm back at Dew in an attempt to defend themself.

The two ghouls swung at each other like squabbling siblings for a minute before Dew, surprisingly, pulled away- though it was solely so he could take another hit on his cigarette, the tip burning bright red once again.

The two ghouls smoked in quiet for another minute before Rain spoke up again.

"Pink?" They questioned, a teasing lilt to their voice as they nodded their head towards Dew's feet, where his clawed toes poked out from the fluff of the fuzzy pink slippers.

"A gift from Cirrus.." Dew mumbled, his cheeks suddenly burning red as he realized he was sitting out and wearing them. Usually he kept them to his room because he felt bad not wearing the gift, but it was kinda embarrassing and hard to be the spitfire ghoul while wearing pink slippers.

Rain hummed, taking another drag from their vape.

"Mountain's got a pair too." Rain commented after a moment, just letting the vapor seep from their lips as they spoke, "They wear them all the time in our room."

"Oh, really?" Dew smirked softly, knowing he was definitely going to tease them about it later.

"Think Cirrus is getting me a pair for Christmas 'cause I keep wearing them around the abbey." Rain spoke with a shrug, shifting down to sit with their legs dangling off the edge of the roof.

"I've seen that." Dew snickered, taking a drag from his cigarette and letting the smoke flow from his lips, "You don't know how tempting it is to push you off.."

"Do it and you know the ministry will throw you back to hell before I hit the ground." Rain spoke, resting their hands on the edge as well, bracing themself.

"Don't worry. I don't hate you that much." Dew spoke, sliding down as well to sit on the edge right beside Rain, "Not to say I don't have that much of a death wish."

"Satan, same." Rain sighed, running a hand through their hair between their horns.

"You'd think you'd have it out of your system by now with two attempts and a success." Dew taunted, missing Rain's dejected attempt at a smile.

Dew suddenly found himself yawning, covering his mouth with his free hand. Exhaustion seemed to suddenly take over very inch of his body, causing him to lean forward a little, his eyes lidding almost closed.

"Satan, you're going to throw yourself off the roof at this rate.." Rain mumbled, wrapping one arm around Dew's front, pulling the ghoul to the side against him.

And that was the last thing Dew remembered for the night as he promptly fell asleep in Rain's arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2022 ⏰

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