chapter one

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ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : i wanna be yours
0:46 ──ㅇ────── 3:04
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮▯▯▯


cloverglow climbed out of her nest, noticing blazespots was already gone. she sighed, her crush—um, very good friend, was already doing who-knows-what at sunrise. though she was a bit wary of what happened to the black tom, she tried to not let the anxiety bite at her.

as cloverglow padded out of the warriors den, she made eye contact with frostfern, a small white she-cat with blue eyes. she softly smiled at the older as she approached her. "hi cloverglow!" frostfern warmly greeted.

"hey! what are you doing?" cloverglow replied, flicking her tail.

"i was about to go on a hunting patrol, but i was actually looking for you," she briefly explained, beckoning with her tail for cloverglow to sit down.

"really? what is it?" cloverglow's eyes shone with curiosity.

"it's kinda something important, do you have the time to follow me?" frostfern whispered, getting up.

"yeah, i do. i was just going to wait until blazespots gets back. i don't know where he went," she got up, following frostfern out of camp.

"then you're in for something amazing!" frostfern exclaimed, sprinting away.

cloverglow furrowed her brows, reluctantly sprinting after the older. after a while, they made it to a small clearing, filled with various pretty flowers. cloverglow gazed in awe at the rows of lilies, before glancing back up to see that frostfern wasn't at her side anymore.

"frostfern?" she called out, "where did you go?"

cloverglow began to fill with worry at the sudden disappearance of her best friend, but suddenly heard pawsteps coming from behind. she whipped around to see blazespots standing there, softly smiling.

"blazespots! where have you been?! i was so worried!" she lightly scolded her friend, her face heating up.

"aw, you were worried about me. how cute!" blazespots snickered, resulting in cloverglow slapping him with her tail.

"stop it, blazespots!" cloverglow shook her head, letting out a mrrow of laughter.

"ok, fine," blazespots purred.

he had a look in his eyes that cloverglow has never seen before, as he took a few more pawsteps towards the she-cat. they were only a tail-length apart, causing cloverglow's face to heat up again.

"why was i even brought here? i mean, it's really pretty, and lilies are my favorite flower, but why am i here?" she furrowed her brows.

"i actually have something i need to tell you." he shyly shifted his paws.

cloverglow's heart exploded at the sound of his meow. what could he possibly need to say to me?! her eyes widened. "go on, i'm listening..." cloverglow trailed off, anxiety filling her belly.

"look, cloverglow," blazespots took a deep breath, "i like you. no, i really like you. actually, scratch that, i love you. i've known i loved you ever since we went running through these very same flower fields," he softly looked around and nodded, "you're the most perfect she-cat i've ever met, and i'm so happy we even met in the first place. you're the best thing that has happened to me and i wanna be yours, cloverglow." blazespots gazed at her with suddenly a familiar look, love.

cloverglow looked at him in utter shock. she didn't know what to say. actually, her thoughts did, but her mouth couldn't gather the right words to verbally say it. cloverglow softly smiled at him, looking back with the same look she always gave him, full of love.

"of course, blazespots. i love you too." cloverglow finally murmured and intertwined her tail with his, causing a huge smile to be plastered on the toms face.


"he asked you to be his mate? who would've guessed?!" beefluff, a pretty black and brown she-cat joked, letting out a mrrow of laughter.

"it's totally not like he was padding after you for moons!" mapletail, a red and white furred tom added.

"you two are so mean! it's not cloverglow's fault she's so oblivious!" frostfern shook her head.

"how was i supposed to know the cat i liked for moons liked me back? i don't have powers that could be from prophecy!" cloverglow sighed, "and besides, it's already over with, he's my mate!"

"yeah, yeah," mapletail playfully rolled his eyes and padded away.

"you're so lucky cloverglow, i wish a tom liked me like that," beefluff pouted and tucked her paws.

"beefluff, what about you and birchspark? he's a little way too nice to you," frostfern meowed, flicking her tail.

"he doesn't like me like that! he's just being nice," she rolled her eyes.

"that's what every she-cat says and it turns out to be wrong!" cloverglow smiled.

"exactly," frostfern agreed, "he's as rude as a fox to every-cat besides you! it definitely means something."

"maybe you're right..." beefluff stretched, getting up, "i'm gonna go on the border patrol, bye bye!" beefluff happily bounced away, consequently towards birchspark.

"they definitely like each other," frostfern smirked, flicking her tail.

"honestly," cloverglow replied.

"so what are you and blazespots gonna do now?" frostfern leaned in.

"hey! it's still gonna be the same! nothing has changed besides us being mates now," she shrugged.

"that's a huge change, but ok," frostfern got up, stretching, "i need to go speak with some-cat now. so, i'll see you later, cloverglow."

"oh, bye." cloverglow watched as frostfern padded away. she got up as well, but with no purpose as to why. there was nothing to do in meadowclan, and she couldn't find blazespots again, so she headed towards the warriors den.

cloverglow padded into the den and settled into her nest, which was soon to be shared with blazespots. the two cats were already kind of sharing nests already, with how close they slept next to one another, but neither made a meow about it.

she sighed in relief at how this sunrise was one of the best she's lived, and hoped to StarClan that the rest of her life would be like this too.


❝ maybe i just wanna be yours, i wanna be yours. ❞


word count: 1016

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2022 ⏰

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