chapter 2- rise

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(3rd person pov)[landfill]

We see the gaurd that was with saburo in the landfill and dex shows him were he had left V this gaurd is known as takemura but Vs failure atracted the atention of y/n making him and the martinez crew ghost as they completely stoped all activity and jobs inorder to insure there safty

But with V we see that he was getting up and starting to crawl his way out weakly but he was found by dex who draged him to the takemura

Dex:*huff*"theres the kid no-"

*bang* and takemura shoot dex leaving him dead in the landfill as takemura looks at V and drags him to a car

(Time skip)

We see V slightly regain contiousness as he looks over to takemura

Takemura:"you stick"

V:"who.. are... you?"

Takemura:"thats not important"

V:"wait.. you helping me... or?"

Takemura:"not important V take this" he hands V some healing seringe and a gun

As V takes the siringe and gun he stabs the siringe into himself, V quickly regains alot of his motor functions as he shoots at the two arasaka ninjas who were on motorcycles as they travel down this road V and takemura go on a brige through the dam as V manages to shoot one of the ninjas down and off his bike as he reloads he starts shooting agian and takes out the other ninja though a third one shows up as takemura rams him making a now hurt arasaka ninja go on the hood of the car as it takes out its mantis blades and hooks onto the car sliceing at V and takemura after some swiving and shooting takemura rams the car into a sign as the ninja is stuck there V is draged out of the car by takemura then V rises his gun to finish the ninja off

Takemura holds his hand after V shoots giving a nod as he goes to help V

V:"i need a ripper... got.. to get .. to viks"

Takemura:"yes you need a ripperdoc can you trust him?"

V:"yes let me call a ride"

As V tried to make a call instead a car pulled up as the doors open and reveal y/n wearing his mask up

Y/n:"V in now same with you saka we have some talking to do"

As they get in V starts to go in and out of contoiusness as he sees takemura saving V

(Time skip y/n pov)[Viks clinic]

I was talking to the arasaka agent known as takemura who had previously helped V

Takemura:"so who are you"

Y/n:"to you goro im the fox"

Takemura:"the fox? As in the solo we rided ourselfs off?"

Y/n:"yes that one same one whos brother you turned to a chip"

I notice takemura look down in shame

Takemura:"yes him i did not know he had a brother or that you were there children i am sory, he died... honorably never spoke a word about the plans you had to get away"

As he tells me this i feal bad for shirome as i have to think of his death agian from a new perspective as he is interogated by arasaka revealing nothing but the relics with us now so i can say hes safe

I only nod in response

Takemura:"well i am also guessing you have the chip"


As i see takemura nod we hear vik speak

Vik:"well then looks like Vs waking up"

As i look over at the bed i see that V is getting up so i decide to leave as i put my hands in my coats pockets and walk away

(3rd person pov)

As y/n left takemura looked at vik confused but V had just woken up only to see takemura nad vik only he wondered to himself who saved him as he chalked it up to it being delamain who picked him up

As V sat up he was informed of the chips effect on him as he figured out that he had the engram of jhony silverhand on him as his friend misty takes him to his apartment

(Time skip V pov)[Vs apartment]

As i am sat on my bed by misty we speak a little of my choises and then she leaves so i could rest
As i am woken up from my sleep by a man with a silver arm i can only assume this is silverhand

Silverhand:"god damit i wake up in the mind of this"

V:"what are you, what are you doing here?"

Silverhand:"i dont know all i know is il get the chip off you one way or the other"

(3rd person pov)

As V fought with himslef or atleast thats how it looked to any spectator but in realaity he was fighting the jhony silverhand as he finialy managed to get to a set of pill he took them and passed out
Once he woke up he got a call from takemura

Takemura:"i need to meet with you il send you the cordinates"

V:"ok ok il see you there goro"

As he got some clothes on V left his apartment and makes way to meet takemura

(With y/n and the rest of davids crew)

We see lucy and kiwi talking as y/n enters the manssion and he sees the rest of the crew there

Kiwi:"welcome back y/n anything new on our lose end"

Y/n:"well hes alive, and somehow has put the relic in his head so things might be bad but a good test to see how the chip works and if we can bring shirome back"

Lucys eyes light up at this statement and the rest of the crew seems happy too

As they all continued through there day lucy went out on a drive to the eastern badlands as she get there its arounds sunset she is at shiromes grave as the katana sticks out she sits there and looks twoards the moon and affter some time she deides to drive back to the manssion

(With V)

As he had already finished talking with takemura he needed to find evelyn parker and jhony recomended talking to one of his old freinds rouge

As he goes to his apartment to sleep

Ending of chapter 2

Words: 1077

A/n: so heres another chapter and now that were out of what i considered in cyberpunk 2077 the proluge of course it wasnt but hey were out of the liniar and now i have alot more free form writing for what will happen also i have taken a huge brake but i had ran out of ideas and needed a brake but im back but il have slow updates
You random author

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Feb 13, 2023 ⏰

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