Chapter 16

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~~~~Riker's POV~~~~
Maybe its difficult being in love, but when your so blinded by it, you honestly... Don't care. That's the beauty of it. It allows you to go thick and thin, sometimes you feel like your moving so fast, that your trapped in quick sand. You take that one breather, and you open your eyes, and you feel safe, in the one person you truely loves arms again. For Nicole I would swim the oceans. I would fight off hungry sharks just to be with her everyday. These special moments in life, is what makes all of it worth it. I sat there nervously tapping my feet. Rydel, layed her head on my shoulder. Did I mention Nicole and I are married. Again. The beautiful girl, standing in front of me, my lovely girl Nicole. Is taking a pregnancy test. I may be a dad. "Babe...." She said smiling, and crying. "Its a positive! Were having a baby..." She sobbed with happiness. The whole family jumped up, hugging me. " I'm going to be a grandma, hahha!" My mom said crying. " Hey Riker, maybe your kid will win a mirror ball trophy too!" Ross said smiling. "Riker, you animal, you, your going to be a dad!" Ratliff joked. I laughed and hugged Nicole tight. I tweeted on twitter... "The test was positive, I'm going to be  a dad!" R5ers freaked out over twitter and, gave me so much support. The first person to read my tweet was Julianne. She was so happy for me, so was Derek. This is one large step in my life, that I was completely willing to take, especially with Nicole by my side.

~~~~Nicole's POV~~~~
I was filled with joy, I had butterflies, I was going to be the mother. I am bearing a child. I am glad I have Riker by my side. Goodness, I was going to have so musically, and danced gifted kids. I cried with joy. Riker would be so supportive of me, he reads my mind, he knows me like the back of his hand. He's going to be a great dad. I would walk on waters for Riker. I have no need to doubt him.


~~~~Nicole's POV~~~~
Here I am 7 months pregnant. I've gotten bloated, mean, and grumpy. Yet Riker still finds the time to compliment me. He is so sweet. We went to the children's hospital, to visit some r5 fans that are disabled. He cares for them so much. He plays with them laughs with them, treats them like there own. He is passionate, its what I love most about him. The days went on. My stomach grew bigger, to the point were I waddled, I started having mood swings, but every time they would happen Riker would just smile. When I had cravings, he would be at my beg and call. A few months passed and it was time. A new step in life.

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