Chapter 2 The Mandalorian

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Din couldn't remember the last time he had been in a situation like this. He had been heading back to his ship - the Razor Crest - after taking a job from a client who had given him a bar of pure Beskar as a down payment in exchange for delivering this so-called 'asset' to them. It was a strange job to say the least with the fact that all he was given was a tracking fob and the age of the target, but the amount of Beskar that he'd receive would be more then enough to fully replace his armor.

The only thing, however, was that he had gotten side tracked when he saw a group of people standing in the same alleyway he was walking in. At first he didn't think anything was going on and planned to just mind his own business, but when he took a closer look he quickly realized that four men were surrounding a girl who was backed against a wall. Being reminded of a time in his past when others had come to his aid, he decided that he should help her and set off a smoke bomb before going in to fight against the smugglers. What happened after that is what led him to the position he was in now - kneeling in front of the girl who saved him from a possibly serious injury, if not his life.

She was unconscious, laying on her side with her arms sprawled out beside her head. A puff of smoke rose up from the burnt leather of her black jacket where she was shot in the shoulder. The skin beneath was red and angry, but it didn't seem to be anything worse than a flesh wound. A bacta patch should be enough to heal it without leaving a scare.

Unfortunately, Din didn't have any with him nor did he have the credits to afford buying one. He was already tight on money thanks to Greef who had only paid him half of what he owned Din for capturing Guild bounties. So he was left with only one option, taking the girl to his ship where he can treat her wound. After saving his life, he couldn't just leave her at an infirmary when he was responsible for her being injured in the first place. Patching her up himself was the least he could do.

Sitting the girl up to lean on his chest, he removed her bag from her shoulders then slung it over one of his before gathering her into his arms and standing up. Her head sat in the vacant armored spot between his cuirass and the new, sliver pauldron he had the Armorer forge from the bar of Beskar he obtained.

Din kept his eyes forward as he continued down the alleyway and into town, ignoring the stairs people always gave him whenever he walked by. As a Mandalorian, he already draws a lot of attention, but he had a feeling that this time around it was not just because of his occupation. The sight of a bounty hunter carrying an unconscious girl with a blaster wound was bound to turn some heads, not to mention stir up rumors.

Who cares what they think.

He has met many people in his life who didn't have the greatest oppositions about him. Some have said he's a cold blooded killer, a mindless puppet who blindly follows a single way of life, or some other ridiculous things that he didn't bother to remember. Nevertheless, hearing those things still did temporarily upset him, especially when it was an insult towards his Creed.

When he made it back to the Razor Crest, Din carefully set the girl's legs on the ground and reached for his vambrace on his other arm that was still around her shoulders to open the hatch. He watched as it opened with a hiss then picked the girl back up before heading inside and walking across the hall of the ship until he was beside the ladder leading up to the cockpit. Turning to face the wall, he bent down on his knees to lay the girl against a slightly curved support beam. 

As he was removing his arms out from under her, his hand on the back of her head so it wouldn't hit the wall, he felt what seemed like a bump beneath his palm. With his brow furrowed, he maneuvered his hand around a few times to make sure he wasn't mistaken, but there was no doubt that she had suffered a blow to the head.

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