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Second Year,
Choices and Sacrifices.

Despite her sister and cousin's determination to get her out of the library, she stayed they longer now that she had something to keep her attention. Amelia Burke's journal was unlike anything she had ever read, she looked back at old notes she made, from little hints that Phoebe would one day become a seer, to her parents eventually dating. She frowned at one vision she made.

'With the brightest star, two shall become eleven,'

She doubted that Amelia knew exactly what that would mean. The thought of having eleven children was barbaric. 'Could she have known my mum would be the legal guardian to her nephews and niece?' if she did then she must have wondered what could happen to warrant such a vision, she glanced at the date.

14th March 1974

She knew that her parents began dating in the beginning of 1975, just after Christmas. Her Grammy had foreseen their future before they ever considered dating, her mother was most likely dating Evan Rosier, when Amelia saw Aimee's future with her father, she creased her brows as a letter dropped on the floor.

My darling Phoebe,

This summer you will be turning 13. In the back of my journal I've put a list of things for you to try, the older you get the more advance your ability will become it would do you good to practise these new skills. Though I must warn you, with this ability comes an awful lot of responsibility, you'll question the choices and sacrifices you'll have to make.

But that doesn't things can't work if your favour, I know I always say things happen for a reason. I might a have told few too many people what fate awaits them, but in doing so, I've managed to spare so many from a horrible fate. I live with regrets that I couldn't help my grandsons, taking care of you children when you were so little, made me see that sometimes we must do what we feel is right even if goes against what fate has in store for them.

Love, Grammy.

She flipped through the book, looking for anything for her to try. Her mind was drawn to so something she didn't think was possible. 'To be able to see something minutes before it happens,' she read through what she needed to do, she moved to a more private area of the library. In her bag was a crystal ball, her grammy had always told her, it was the most accurate way to conjure visions of free will.

"Alright, that shouldn't be too hard?" she held the crystal ball in her hands, trying to focus her thoughts on conjuring up a vision.

"Hey, Pheebs there you are," Cedric said, finally finding her after looking most of the day. "Were you busy,"

"No just trying something,"

"What are you trying?" he asked she showed him the instructions Grammy had left her he agreed to be quiet while she focused.

She saw her and Cedric sitting in the great hall, he smiled at her holding a single red rose for her.

"What is it? Did you see something?"

"Yeah, it was really fast though, maybe I need to work on it,"

"Do you feel like getting something to eat?" he asked, she nodded questioning if she should ask Cedric his opinion on their headmaster, he probably thought the same as her sister did. "I left something in my dorm, would you mind going ahead and saving me a seat"

"Of course, which table?"

"Whichever, I don't mind," she nodded, deciding to sit at the Ravenclaw table, she smiled at Rhea.

"What are you doing?" she asked as her sister appeared to be in deep thought, Rhea looked up at her. Showing her a valentine's card she got.

'Rhea, when you walk in my heart beats differently,'

"Who's it from?"

"I don't know, I'm going to find out though," Rhea said, smiling at the card, "I never in a million years thought I'd get a valentine's day card, I don't think I'm anything special,"

"How can you say that?" Phoebe questioned, sitting down with her "everyone is special in their own way,"

"You sound like mum,"

"I'm serious-

"You're not dad," Phoebe huffed walking away from her. Taking a deep breath she counted. '1, 2, 3...' she calmed down.

She didn't know what it was about Rhea that irritated her so much. Every time they'd somewhat get along about something, Rhea would find some way to joke about it and ruin their little moment. She smiled as Cedric came and seated himself beside her.

"Here for you," he smiled at her, handing her a single red rose.

"Thank you, it's beautiful,"

"Happy valentine's day," she smiled at him, as he turned to the food set out before them, plating up his food.

Her eyes widened she managed to see something less than an hour before it happened. She didn't think it would work, she might have ruined what should have been a nice surprise. She still admired the rose, like she was completely oblivious to the gesture.

She didn't expect a rose from him, she found herself smiling as her cheeks flushed red. She took a deep breath, thankfully he was too distracted by his dinner to realise her blushed cheeks, she didn't want to question why he gave her a rose. There probably wasn't anything to look into, he was the type of person to do something simply because it was a nice thing to do.  

Crystal Clear | 𝘊𝘦𝘥𝘳𝘪𝘤 𝘋𝘪𝘨𝘨𝘰𝘳𝘺Where stories live. Discover now