Twins Reunite

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Hailey sat on the bed in the nurse's office. Her face was bruised and her nose wouldn't stop bleeding.

Meanwhile, a boy sat on the opposite side of her while clutching his mouth with a bloody napkin. She had knocked his front teeth clean out.

Some kid: This is all your fault.

Hailey: She started to get up but the nurse sat her back down. MY FAULT?! Blood started to squirt out as she spoke. You just couldn't keep your big mouth shut...

Nurse: Hailey that's enough. 

But Hailey was outraged- what happened was, the kid was getting adopted and kept teasing her about having no parents. Oh how she wished she knew them. She didn't know if they died or if they just abandoned her.

Some kid: Well it's not my fault that no one likes you. Imagine not getting adopted? The kid laughed while his mouth was still bleeding.

Nurse: The nurse started getting irritated. Keep talking and I'll make sure you don't get adopted anymore.

The kid stopped talking.

Hailey: So you expect me to just let go of the fact that he called my parents mistakes? She quickly swapped the bloody napkin with a clean one. Some blood dripped onto her shirt.

Nurse: Stop. Talking. And you need to learn how to manage your anger. 

Hailey: I don't need to learn anything. I can manage it just fine.

Nurse: You knocked a child's front teeth out!

Hailey: He deserved it..

Hailey spent the rest of the day dealing with her nosebleed. When the kid left, Hailey wanted to go after him and grab his throat.

After her nose finally stopped bleeding, she felt lightheaded. She headed straight to her room. 

Meanwhile, not far from the orphanage, there was a teenage boy named Harry Potter living in Privet Drive. He was locked in his room due to a family vacation. The Dursleys were his aunt, uncle, and cousin and they basically hated him. They had left him in his room, sending his trusty owl Hedwig on missions to send letters to his two best friends, Hermione and Ron.

Hedwig: She hooted tiredly.

Harry: He stroked her head. This is the last one. I promise.

Hedwig: She nipped his finger and flew off with the letter. 

Harry watched her fly away and then put his hand over his scar. 

(Yall already know the whole story of the scar so Im not wasting time typing it)

He rubbed the tip of his fingers over the scar and then sat down. A lot had happened in his previous year and it just overwhelmed him. He kissed his crush, a teacher had hurt him in detention, his godfather, Sirius Black, had been murdered by a Death Eater named Bellatrix Lestrange. The thought of Sirius made Harry's stomach hurt and for the first time ever since he witnessed his godfather's death, he was overwhelmed with tears.

Harry had been crying for about half an hour. He felt like a child for tearing up about something so small. At least it felt small to him- he lived his life without parents and the last time he saw someone dying was when he competed in the Triwizard Tournament and went through a Portkey. Voldemort had killed Cedric Diggory, a very popular boy, right in front of him.

Of course he had cried then. He wouldn't let go of him. It's just that Sirius's death was....more important to him. He had been the only family member that Harry had left. One who actually cared about him. And the worst part was that it was all his fault. If Harry hadn't believed those dreams and attempted to save Sirius, he wouldn't have come and saved Harry. 

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